Ouch. I was forced into Spanish and continued with it out of apathy / not wanting to take French. Switching to German, though, because hey, the more languages you know...
(Also, my German accent, though stumbling, is way more on-par than my fumbly gringa Spanish. Can't roll my Rs for shit.)
I mean the really retarded ones, like "never split an infinitive" and that kind of utter bullshit. We speak a hybrid of pretty much every language the English came into contact with -- Old German, Norman French, Indian, multiple Native American languages, some from the Caribbean, some African languages, Arabic...
We do not speak a Romance language, though we've stolen from them. So Latin's tightass rules, in my opinion, can fuck right off from my beautifully screwy language.
Dude, don't you like waking up knowing that in such a certain circumstance, it will always be so? I find that comforting. That if the world spontaniously combusts, 2+2 will still be 4.
Yesss... And I have a volleyball not covered in poo so :D.
@DS: Yes, oh hey, you and Jessie must speak on the phone sometime! She doesn't want to give her number out, but I can call you both and the let you two talk with my call-merging capabilities.