Just got invited to go to homecoming with a group I haven't spent much time with this year. I like most of the people in the group to a certain extent, as they're all nice people, but I don't have much in common with any of them.
On the other hand, I don't want to say no, as I'm not sure about my inclusion in the other group that had off-handedly asked me to go with them.
Gah, and I only half want to go to homecoming anyway. And it's next weekend, and I don't have a dress (yet).
Today, so far, I've already washed a ton of dishes and taken a shower, and now I need to do Bio homework... pretty productive day, for the most part... Then if I get done I'm starting my drawing of my favorite local band in anime. :D
Except for the fact that I think my internetting facebook account was deleted. v.v Most likely my mother wouldn't notice if I friended you guys on my real one though...