Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mock me hard.



I refreshed the page and saw that before I even went on here. 


And wut. End using caps? 



What, I'm not entitled to indulge from time to time?


It's just surprising.


Also, this + the Peachy fight in Bioshock = great Nathan joy. Wrench wrench wrench refresh refresh wrench wrench wrench aw fuck I died.

XD Wow! Fuck too.


Not really, but you never do it so it's rather odd when this occurs. For example, if I were to suddenly decided Pikachus were not cool, it'd be strange for everyone who is accustomed to me believing Pikachus are the shit. (Which they are.) If I thought Pikachus were not awesome, I'd probably change my avatar, and people would notice that and think it's odd. 

Nathan, have you chucked a copy up onto the blog yet?

I have now >.> 

If you know anyone on MDW who might be interested in the ARG, now might be a good time to message them. Give a "Thought you might find this interesting" message and leave it at that.
We're getting fish!
fuck YES.
Hmm, think I should fess up that ter Borcht is "my" uncle?


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