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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Uh... If they "stole" the jobs don't they have to pay income tax? Plus don't they have to pay sales tax? Which is practically non-existent in the States anyways... Really 6%? That's /cheap./ 


And what is UP with that Native American stuff...? How does that have any correlation? 


Do the aliens rape kittens too? According to that they sound like they rape kittens. Seriously though. God, that's awful. It's as bad as the KKK site that told me I was inferior....

Yes, in fact, they do pay taxes.


Ohlord, the KKK site is beyond offensive. This is mild, poorly disguised bigotry and racism hiding behind skewed statistics. The KKK are flamboyant about it. I think it says somewhere on their site that after the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks killed whites with their newfound superiority.

>.> That site is BS or where ever you're getting your information. 


I just read it... There is paragraph that starts with, "We're love! Not hate. It's okay to be black, Asian, etc" and then it goes into, "HAVE PRIDE FOR YOUR WHITE CHRISTIANESS. CELEBRATE YOUR TRADITION! SHOW YOUR WHITE PRIDE" 


Srsly? WHAT GOD DAMNED TRADITIONS YOU IDIOTS. There is no "white" culture morons. There's distinct traditions that "white" people follow. >.> It's horrible. Worse than the freaking Bloc Quebcois website. 

Yep. :D I'm still citing it, because shit, I'm not going to find anything I agree with, and it's got a ".org" in the web address, and that looks official and stuff.


The tradition they're referring to, of course, is centuries of bigotry, prejudice, suppression of human rights, and literal, actual murder of people with a different skin color.


the freaking Bloc Quebcois website

What's that? 

XDD .org can be good. Very good. 


Pretty much. It wasn't just the people of other skin colour either. There was a lot of prejudice based on where you were from. Ireland? Go fuck yourself, your pretty much "inferior" and told to go be the canary in the mines.


It's all in French. But basically their ideas are, "All of Anglophone Canada owes us money and IF WE'RE elected those bastards will pay. Pay hard. Quebec will become its own super country BECAUSE WE ARE THAT AWESOME and Canada will owe us taxes. They will owe us their oil. THEY OWE US EVERYTHING BECAUSE WE WERE ABUSED." Think greedy, guilt-inflicting Native Americans who don't actually own any land but claim to do so regardless and believe everyone else owes them something. ALso they have strict rules on weed for some reason...

I will never understand racial/national/ethnic/religious superiority. NEVAR.


They sound fun. :D

xD I don't understand the criminalization of weed, either.

I really don't get it at all either. There seems to have been some sort of panic over it in the first decade of the 20th century -- a lot of countries banned it then, including Canada before weed was even really known there. Hmm... I have to do a historical mystery paper this semester, and I am sorely tempted to make this one of my ideas.
In Bhutan, weed grows like grass and they feed it to the pigs. :D

Dude, I joke about it but I don't get it. Then again, I've been raised in an era where it's not cool and raised in a complete a total white-only area and pretty much one of the few non-white kids there. If there WAS some sort of racial superiority, I never noticed it. It also helps that I went from snooty rich place to a poor-ish ghetto area where a lot of people's ancestors were the ones who had been deemed "inferior."


They are FOR pot. They just have strict rules for some reason... 


They're not doing a very good job with the whole WEED IS ILLEGAL. Or cigarettes here for that matter... 

I grew up white in white suburbia. >.> Sooo... The few Asians and blacks and Latinos in my school aren't discriminated against as far as I can tell. Quite a few people seem to be homophobic, but I don't know any gays in my school... 

I lack any sort of discrimination knowledge because I haven't seen any, and my school/community has so little diversity to begin with...


o.e Like what?


Two of the kids in my stage craft class were flat-out stoned on Wednesday. And one was operating a drill on part of the stage foundation in the orchestra pit. 

Everyone in my old school made a big deal out of not being white. You were different, and therefore awesome. Gingers were also "special" because everyone is white. You're tad paler with red hair and BAM you're awesome. My school does now. All the immigrants/children of immigrants do insanely well in school. So half of the honours classes probably haven't even lived in Canada for more than a generation, so I don't ever see racism because diversity is the norm here. It's... different. 


Yeah... It's a weird policy... O.O I'd be scared. My old tech-ed teacher let twelve year olds operate (and fix...) bandsaws. Which looks a little like this:

That's cool. If weird. I wish my school had diversity. I think we're 97% white, or something crazy like that. One of my best friends is a ginger. xD


I'm pretty sure I used a band saw when I was eleven in tech shop. xD But I wasn't stoned out of my mind. Or stoned at all, for that matter.


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