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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Perhaps only where you live?

While my younger sister is stupider than a rock, she even knows what 9/11 is (although we had to explain to her during the summer) and actually, I do not recall it at all and in fifth grade I didn't know what it was. Most of my news was in Chinese, Canada is affected by it now, by at the age of ten, foreign policy was not very interesting to me and quite frankly, I didn't give a shit. Once around 8th or 9th grade, knowing the basics of current events is an educational requirement here...

And there is a huge difference from what kids should know and what they do.

Edit: Also, chanting USA outside last night seemed rather silly. I found it fun to laugh at.

Well, we live on the outskirts of the Fort Bragg area, which is a huge military base. So people here are military kids, or have grown up around Fort Bragg and the extreme security reinforcements since 9/11.


Speaking of which, I think everyone there is on the edge of their seats waiting for the terrorists or something... They had one-lane traffic anywhere near it, and it was completely closed off.

That's recent for you? I live near the Naval Air base at Willow Grove, they've had the traffic stuff going on since 9/11.
Well, it's always been about 4 or 5 lanes, with road blocks at every entrance and the turn lanes that used to go into them blocked off. There are only a couple real entrances anymore, and they have watches at them and you have to get your car checked.
I was little at the time... I think I was at my Nanny's house, and I've somehow blocked most of my memories from that place. *shudder* I remember everyone freaking out over something, I think. I really learned about it like five years ago in 6th grade. :/

Had a really randomly awesome day. :D I already had on my MCR shirt and everything before I even heard about Osama (because I'm psyched about the show), and then it was like I predicted the future. (Their earlier album, the Black Parade, was focusing on 9/11 anyway, and this new one is much more upbeat and colorful and it just goes along with this perfectly, like they were predicting the future too.) 

Also, in English I made the highest score on an essay that I've gotten in that class, in Trig I got the second highest grade on the impossible test, and the evil administrator that everyone's scared of gave me a Tootsie Pop in the hallway for no apparent reason. :D

Then I just got home from my friend's house where I got to hang out with Cody at the lake for a few hours and watch the sunset and everything.


My life is awesome today. ^-^

One of my sort-of friends (we were closer in middle school) has a fashion blog. She's never come across as smart, really, and she's kid of ditzy.

But this blog is well-articulated, sophisticated, and intelligent. And just the fact that she does it proves her passion.


Woah. Weird.

:/ Starting to become annoyed with a few of my friends here. Apparently I dress like I'm "shallow" and that I don't have my own sense of fashion and I only follow trends. Normally I don't mind these comments, but it kind of feels like everything is building up to the point where I can't stand it anymore.

Maybe it's because they constantly act like they're far more intelligent than I am? >.> And then I get it rubbed into my face. With my other really intelligent friends, this is fine because we joke about it and quite frankly, they never talked to me as if I was dense. But really, :/ You can't out-Politics a person...

I hate this place.
Auckland decided to have a tornado and Nelson an earthquake because they were missing out on having their own natural disasters.

Been coughing up green sludge for the past week.

And my parents have been too lazy to fill the prescription I got for it Friday.  ._.

Green sludge is a bad sign. Time to start pressing them on it.


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