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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Though, I'd be inclined to argue that your voting habits are strongly biased by your parents' views. In high school I knew people from both firm left and right families, and they were both firmly left and right, respectively.

So, I'm disinclined to agree with you about the voting age.


I myself have a sorta Right dad and a fairly Left mom, which produces me, a slightly left leaning moderate who likes Left ethics ideals, but isn't particularly happy about where the Left likes to spend money.

This is also true. Though I think young people are more likely to be in favor of the party that supports things like education and gay rights and doesn't support things like increased military (especially after they've gone to college and escaped their parents' direct influence)(and I know that's a super oversimplification but still).

It was my gov teacher's idea, not mine.

Voting results here show that (in order of most votes): middle aged adults (your moms and dads and that sort), youth (18-25/26, just before they start families/just get out of uni) and then old people. Immigrants are also most inclined to vote than first or second generations. Which makes sense. Old people care more, middle aged people don't have time/care enough, and immigrants care because they're from countries where such luxuries didn't exist, at least not fairly (and some not at all). 


LOL I would not let 13 year old me vote because I was legit, an idiot. I was talking to a MLA for my area and he was going on and on and on about why sixteen year old should totally be allowed to vote. Yes, there are some sixteen year olds who are mature and smart who CAN reasonably pick a party that reflects some of their interests but for the most part, my school is filled with idiots who either a.) vote for dumb parties who sound like disasters (see: Canadian Rhinoceros Party) b.) vote for what their friends vote for because they can or c.) vote for what their parents vote for because quite frankly, they don't know much else. For the most part, I don't think voting ages should be lowered be it in Canada or the USA, too much stupid/ignorance.


As for voting habits, ahaha. My mom is strong Right, I'm pretty Left. My dad is pretty strong Right but he keeps his political interests low profile, unless he's bashing China because he hates China. And Japan. Mine's more of a reflection of my peers/areas I've lived in. 


Edit: I also feel to add that kids in my class DID take the Rhino party seriously (despite it obviously not taking itself seriously) which is why I am concerned.

Rhinoceros party!


Reminds me of these guys.



Sadly, we have the second longest list on that Wiki article....

We don't have a left-wing or a right-wing government anymore.


Two party system, yep, but the policies on both sides are more or less the same. Shit don't change. We keep a government for one or two terms of three years each, and then switch to the other. Keeps things nice and balanced. No party can do anything major, because you can only do so much in a year... can't do anything in your first year, because you're trying to sort your shit out, and can't do anything in election year, coz that pisses off the voters.


Sure, we got our crazies - the Maori party (who're happy to support either of the big parties in return for compromise on legislation - not that they really manage much), and the Greenies -  (hippies. Few take them seriously, and they're good for pushing the conservation agenda), and a few others with one or two seats who don't do much, but our politics is stable.


I pity you guys - I really do.

...When a college recruiting email ends with:

never going to give you up



They're trolling me.


I find it interesting how a political debate has brought out the highest number of present users I've seen in a while.


I was beginning to worry the site was terminally ill.


Eh. It's election year for me - the second in which I can vote. We're supposed to have a referendum also about changing the way our government works. And a census too - but that got canned cos of the quake. TBH, I was more interested in the census. Statistics <3.

There's a US census, either 1890 or 1900, where most of the records were destroyed.

If I had a time machine I'd go back and copy them. Oh god.

Just bought Snuff.



*hasn't started reading yet*

My mother sent me a review of that by email.

I haven't read the review. I haven't gotten past Guards! Guards!

*so much guilt*


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