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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I want to take over the world. -_-
Go for it.
Give me Canada please. 

I'd like to be overlord of a tropical paradise in 2050.


Listening to a song entitled "Bobby the Lobbyist". It's about exactly what it sounds like.

Things I Got Done Today

- folded my laundry

- folded other peoples' laundry

- did my own wash

- changed my sheets

- cleaned my room

- vacuumed my room

- finished my western civ timeline, coat of arms, and code of chivalry

- wrote 15 sentences for Spanish


Things I Didn't Get Done

- anything for NaNo

- stepping outside once

Soooo. What's happening in everyone's life aside from Nano? In mine, not much. Hence my stalkering interestedness in yours.

Hey, you're in medicine, maybe you can explain this one to me.

So I have this cough that's the product of post-nasal drip that's been harassing me since October 3, but started with a sore throat around September 14. The problem is, we can't figure out what's causing the post-nasal drip.

It isn't allergy related (no allergies),

it isn't humidity related (equally bad in all humidities),

it doesn't respond to antihistamines, anti-inflamitory steroids (including the strong stuff, like Prednisone), nasal sprays, antibiotics, proton-pump inhibitors (so, anti-stomach-acid), sudafed, etc.

A chest x-ray came up with nothing.

The thing with the most notable effect is water, or any fluid, which makes the symptoms noticeably worse.

Some coughs produce instances of bile at the back of my throat, but not vomiting.
I recently submitted some blood for analysis, but I haven't gotten any results back yet.


Thoughts? I figure that if they can't come up with anything, I'll submit myself to a hospital and become someone's dissertation.

Yuck, sounds nasty! I'd have to say I've no idea, to be honest.

It also sounds like no one else has any idea of cause if you've been on that many drugs, and there's been serious stuff like a chest x-ray. It's certainly not the usual stuff to be certain.


The unfortunate thing with medicine is that you're likely stuck in the 'wait and see what happens' category, until they find something that gives a lightbulb-moment.

I figured so. Student Health reached the same conclusion you did, the Internist I saw is firing randomly with the drugs, and I'm going to see an otolaryngologist and pulminologist this december to see if they have anything more helpful to suggest.


Thanks anyway.

The only thing I can think of is culturing the shit you cough up, see if anything interesting is living in you. 

The water-making-it-worse is, um, fascinating actually. Let us know what the blood tests show.


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