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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, Rossetti.


The problem for me was that it's straightforward, there's nothing that revolutionary in the piece--for all sakes and purposes, it could have been written by an angsty modern teen with a similar degree of success. "Goblin Market" is unique, this is not.

As a result, this lead to a very loud and fast paced shouting match with myself and someone else on one side, and a handful of post-structuralists on the other about it's legitimacy as part of the literary canon.

...For all sakes and purposes, it could have been written by an angsty modern teen with a similar degree of success...


That's actually why I thought it was supposed to be revolutionary. :/ When I was reading it, I was kind of like, "Oh, wow. Some chick bitching about how she's being lusted after by some dude and how he didn't speak up until after she was dead. How fucking original."


Except not, on account of the fact that it was written back when women were considered by poetry to be mindless robots who were programmed to have sex, make babies, and little else.


Mind, I'm not complaining, or trying to change your mind. You can think what you want. I just thought it was interesting on account of when it was written. If it was written now, I'd appreciate the aesthetic appeal, mind you, but little else. However, given that all the poetry I've read by other male poets during her time--especially her brother, amusingly enough--After Death seems at least a little interesting.


And Christ's dice, I don't know where you go to school, but if you get shouting matches over poetry, I want to go there.


Unrelated note: I just looked up her wikipedia page to see when Goblin Market was published (Sue me, I'm not a walking encyclopedia) and the opening description is as follows:


Christina Georgina Rossetti (5 December 1830 – 29 December 1894) was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic, devotional, and children's poems. She is best known for her long poem Goblin Market, her love poem Remember, and for the words of the Christmas carol In the Bleak Midwinter. She was also homophobic.


Because apparently homophobia is unusual in the mid nineteenth century.

IP address, it's on. Bitchpunk.

Really? Goblin Market is supposed to be about lesbianism, according to my TA.



My poor code...


*desperately tries to save*

Playing a forum game that's essentially "post under an alt and we'll guess who's who at the end of the day".


Either they all suck at spotting me or I've gotten better at pretending to be someone else.

Ha, instead of writing I went to find music. 

I feel bad but now I'll just try harder next weekend? I have to do 50K by then anyways. 

I just heard an ad on the radio for a drug called "Emetrol," which exists to reduce nausea due to overindulgence in food and drink. Now available without a prescription! Its little tagline thing is "keep stomachs calm and carry on."


The fact that this exists disgusts me.

You know, that's kinda sad.


You'd think the opposite would exist - something to make you feel more crap if you eat too much. There's a drug that does the same thing for alcoholics. It's kinda neat.

(Insert long, Marxist-centric rant here)

What in the blue hell.

sammich. steak sammich. with rabbit food and walnut chutney. omnomnomnom


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