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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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"The practice of priestly celibacy began to spread in the Western Church in the early Middle Ages. In the early 11th century Pope Benedict VIII responded to the decline in priestly morality by issuing a rule prohibiting the children of priests from inheriting property. A few decades later Pope Gregory VII issued a decree against clerical marriages."

Seems to line up with what Lampy is saying. 

I love you both. So much. Thanks!

Gah, I wasn't sure whether to go Benedict, since, y'know, better chance, or Gregory.  x.x  And the number was wrong.  v.v

Just spent most of the day watching Star Wars with a bunch of my friends, which was a lot of fun until a few people left and there were only three of us.

Then, I got to spend a good two hours or so being on a couch with the girl I like as she cuddled with her boyfriend (who wanted to cheat on her with me a few weeks ago). 

That was not a pleasant way to spend my evening. :)

Rash from neck appears to be from the PINK body mist. God dammit. At least it was only three dollars. 

Staying away from body mist/perfumes forever now. The amount of damage this has done to my self-esteem, skin, and neck is not helpful in anyway, shape, or form.  

On the bright side, getting everything done with early so my March Break can pretty much be sleeping and playing Sims all day long. 

Is this a consistent result from perfume for you? I'm willing to bet there's at least one ingredient that they pull out of some versions of perfume due to allergy complaints.

No, this would be the first. That being said, I usually never use body spray. 

Really not appreciating the results...

30 pages of reading, 8 pages of notes, and 4 hours later, I have a basic understanding of the French Revolution through the beginning of the Directory.

It was actually kind of entertaining to read about.

Also, if Samuel Beckett is still alive, I am going to hunt him down and kill him.

I know that you know how to hit the return key, dipshit. You don't go for eighty pages without hitting the damn return key unless you purposefully want to piss someone off. Congratulations, you won.

O.o Whoa.

Favourite way to relieve stress. Don't shoot anyone End, I always thought you were very calm n'stuff.

I'm in a much better mood today. He died about a year before I was born.

I'm only reactionary when I'm handed poor writing, then told that it's "art" and therefore beyond criticism.

Man, that is like, opposite the point of art :C Who da fuck told you that.

Also, what was this you read of his? I've only read Waiting for Godot and that was like ages ago.


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