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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Dropped Physics IB today because I basically had a bit of a breakdown with the homework load, realized that my teacher really wasn't fitting my learning style and that the second block spare would be really beneficial to me in terms of work load. 

Only problem is how to explain this to my parents. :V 

Hey, all.

Apparently, they're doing a Good Omens miniseries.

1.) Dude, you're alive! How have you been?

2.) :D When, where, and WHO?

3.) My email says that you're still Jewish Sexy British Hitler.

1. Haha, good, more or less. College seems to be going decently grade wise. And you?


 That's the only word, and going a year and a half without any updated information isn't very encouraging, but it's a fairly reliable magazine, if only because Pratchett has had interviews with them since then and probably would know about it if they made it up, if only because someone would mention it to him.

3. Weird. I tried to change the name back to Fake.

1.) Oh, how is college? Can't complain too much. XD Senior year! Whoo! Only for us up here in Canada that just means a lot of university applications and homework, significantly less partying and homecoming events and what not. 

2.) :O Dude, that's so awesome. I really want to see that mini series. That'd be so awesome. Aha, I wonder who they would cast... I hope it hasn't gone to production hell. 

3.) Email now says it's Fake. 

1. Awesome to the first part, less to the second part. XD Still, it's nice to get that stuff out of the way.

2. No kidding.

Hey, you're back. How's it been?

D'you like college? Where do you go, anyway?

Ugh, I hope it happens. The most recent news is from March, though, unfortunately.

Haha, you know. Meet the new B.O.S.S, (Breakdowns Oddly Sembling Schizophrenia) same as the old B.O.S.S.

Eh, it has it's problems, but all of them are my fault and nothing beyond what I can fix through responsibility and socializing. I'm at Cornell College, by the way.

It's possible that Pterry just doesn't want to get our hopes up again in the fifty percent chance of it never being made. Or maybe it's a lie. But I say that he's secretly scheming to surprise us with something (It was at this point that I realized I was unintentionally alliterating--I need a wider vocabulary) spectacular, such as a sensationally skilled set of superb stars. Surely a certainty supposing the series' supervisor is selected with some scrutiny, some might say, so said steward of the (sometimes) satellite signal cinema spectacle of a show surpasses the skills of the sadly secondary (still superb, I suppose, but soundly said to be sub-par once similarly studied, even when surpassing the scope of sane civility) sometimes-supporting satellites is a sine qua non of the service?


Bah, I forgot what I was doing after responding. *slaps self*

Sorry, sorry.

How's it been for you? Have you chosen a college yet?

Re: life - ick, sorry. :\ I honestly don't know what to say.

Re:college - well, that's... good? I hope your adjustment gets progressively better. What's Iowa like?

Re: GO - omfg. I hope he's secretly scheming, but I refuse to get my hopes up. 

Speaking of Pratchett - have you heard of/read his new collaboration novel (series?) with Stephen Baxter called The Long Earth?

I'm alright. Senior year plus theatre plus college applications is kind of stressing me out, but shmeh. I really really really  want to go to UChicago still, but I have to get accepted first. 

I have one of those nasty 24 hour stomach bugs (at least, I hope I do!!!!)

It's 8pm, and I'm just now eating my first 'meal' of the day - one piece of bread with a little bit of jam on it.

So I feel pretty wobbly - bet my blood glucose is kinda low.

Ignore this in about three hours, but if you see it before then, that would be great!

Anyone good at Chicago style citations? I'm super confused and this essay is due tomorrow. (I would've done it this weekend, but I went home- yay- and didn't get anything productive done.)


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