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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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4. Hmm, we should discuss it when I read it.

5. Awkward? I don't know what you're talking about. Fifty Shades of Grey is about a romance, right? Men who read romance novels are sensitive, deep, and intelligent. The ladies love that in a man. *ruffles hair and gives a rugged smile*

(...I just wrote a paragraph long addendum to the above, detailing why women were inferior to men  and being really condescending, concluded by a quote from a fan saying that it's not sexist when I do it, and that I'm being ironic. I need to both stop going off on tangents and reading video game reviews for giggles.)

A bit awkward, yeah. But it's not a big deal, and I doubt people would care enough to remember. It's like how if an event embarrasses you enough to traumatize you for years (Not serious trauma, like being publicly humiliated in a scarring and/or abusive way), nobody else will remember it in a week's time, and if you remind them years later they'll have a laugh with you and joke about what idiots you both were back then. So the mundanity of seeing me read crap won't register much on anyone's memory, especially since I don't make too big an impression in the first place.

Huh. I'm not going to lie (even though it is a bit creepy of me), that makes me feel a bit happy. I'm not sure if it's because I like getting the approval of others or simply because I affecting other people's lives (I also like effecting other people's lives, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllladies).

Huh. Do you ever feel kinda happy when other people have something to remember you by? I don't mean like a gift or physical item or anything when you leave them, or even some justification for your existence like doing something really altruistic or selfless; I just think that it's sort of nice knowing that your existence was acknowledged by someone else.

...Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be emotional, and I'd have to be a hermit who was spawned from the blood of my unfortunately monikered foaming in the sea and with no contact with mankind for all these years to say that I've never done it before. I just hadn't noticed the feeling before. And I don't think that I'm some shining paragon of wisdom and friendship just because I squeed about books I liked to the only people who would listen. I just like the feeling.

...Sorry, that was weird and creepy.

6. Are you applying early action? Most of my responses came months later.

4. Indeed we should.

5. Yeah, guys who read published Twilight fanfiction-turned-erotica are the smartest and the sexiest. Definitely.

I also like effecting other people's lives,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllladies

I think I just died because classy obscure grammar joke omfg.

No, it's not weird. I mean, I'm all for having been introduced to them by you, obviously. Honestly, really honestly, I feel like the internet for me and, consequently, like, my life, because dear god I have no idea how I would have gone about surviving freshman year without the internet, would have been a whole lot different had I not decided to read that vaguely interesting-sounding book that you'd mentioned when I asked about your name. It's really strange to think about how consequential that tiny, weird detail was. 

And I definitely understand that feeling.

6. Yeah. EA decisions come out December 15.

5a. Inorite?

I also do weddings, funerals, and Bar Mitzvahs.

:D But yeah.

6. Good luck, then. :D

I feel bad for not checking in for a while... 

I've been working on my Halloween costume every spare moment I get, neglecting to study for anything, really. I think I have a Psychology exam today... I think I'll be fine, though. XD

I'm dressing up as Lady Loki. I have everything I need for my costume except some shiny gold leggings and maybe some gloves, which shouldn't be too hard to find. I made just about everything myself, including a helmet and staff/spear thing. My boyfriend's going to be Tony Stark. I'm way more excited about this than I should be. I don't even know if I have any plans for Halloween. It'll still be worth it for the pictures, though.

Last night I went to a mandatory dorm building meeting while carrying my staff and wearing my helmet. The looks on everyone's faces when I walked in were priceless. :D

In other news, I have an Arab Politics class that I should be on my way to right now.

How'd the exam go?

Ah, sounds fun. Wait, he's going as Tony Stark? I guess it's easier to make than Iron Man...


The exam wasn't terrible. I didn't do perfectly because I only studied for about half an hour, but I'm pretty positive I didn't fail. 

Yeah, he's even getting the t-shirt from ThinkGeek that has the illuminating arc reactor. :D And I can make Loki horns and a staff, but that suit's a little... impossible for someone living in a dorm, unless I were to make it out of plaster wrap or something. And an Ironman suit made of plaster would be all kinds of awkward. 

Well, that's good.

:D. Yeah, no kidding. Well, it works, so hey.

It's nice to see that everyone's alive. I've missed you guys.

I've missed you all. I was telling a friend about what happened on MX and about your story just yesterday. 

First debate of the year! It's 11:30 and I have eight packages of stuff around me and I'm trying to can some cases for debate. Greeeaaatttt. 

Helping some kids out with canning and I'm texting this Russian kid. All of his texts are all said in his Russian accent in my head. :V 

Watching the seventh season of Supernatural and squeeing.

I feel like I'm growing up too fast. I ordered my class ring yesterday, I'll be getting my license soon (I could have gotten it months ago, though.), all my friends are graduating this year, and I'm freaking out about college applications. I'm not involved in any clubs, I haven't taken any AP classes yet, and I'm only 8th in my class. I can't afford to go out of state like I want, but I feel like I'm underqualified for scholarships. I'm nervous that colleges will notice that I didn't start doing any extracurricular activities until now. Everything's a mess and I'm stressed out already. Asdfghjkl.

I'm doubting myself and whether I should go to a school of music like I've always wanted or go study something like law or marine sciences or anything more practical. It's like, should I choose the thing that makes me happy and could maybe bring some income, or the thing that would be boring and would definitely bring some income?

TL;DR - I'm stressed about school and life and career choice and college coming up in two years.


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