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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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They found two unexploded ones. That means that we have what we need to trace parts and find fingerprints.

A friend of mine with connections in the FBI claims that the current guess is that this is a cell of Haqqani Network, a group who is simultaneously the strongest force of the opposition militants in Syria, and good friends with Al-Qaeda

We'll have to wait and see.

Just noticed, Don Payne, the guy who was writing the script for the MR movie, died back on March 27 of bone cancer.

Now that he's gone, I think this means that there isn't anyone left actively working on the project.

Can someone explain to me what's happening in Venezuela? I've seen a few things on Tumblr, but the media's not covering it and no one I've talked to even knew there was a problem.

So their old leader, Hugo Chavez, died a few weeks back. The guy was a hard-line communist the the style of Castro and friends, and lead his country in a similar way. In the most recent election, his hand-picked successor was narrowly "elected", which leads the opposition party to claim that the vote was faked by the ruling party as a means to retain power. Not helping is how close the election was. Chaos ensues.

What about the protests and military action?

Protests are by opposition. Military action is because the successor claimed that the protests were unconstitutional.

Damn, that explosion in Texas is just huge.

It's a fertilizer plant. Considering that the chemicals for fertilizer and the chemicals for explosives are the same thing, yeah, it would be big.

A few days ago, I heard someone blabbering about how it was lucky that Hitler was insane, because if he wasn't he would have done a lot more damage.


It sort of got me thinking: nowadays, people sort of caricature the guy. Hitler was a loon, Hitler was a bumbling idiot, Hitler was comedic, Hitler was a joke.


You can probably guess where I'm going from here. The way he's laughed at makes me somewhat uncomfortable, because, well, he was none of those things. He was charismatic, a great politician, and, while he certainly made a few questionable decisions, was usually level headed and quite good at what he did. A fool wouldn't have been able to turn a country in shambles into a military powerhouse. An idiot wouldn't have been able to orchestrate the systematic murder of at least ten million civilians. A mere joke wouldn't have come that close to winning the war.


That's why he was so frightening, and why his name invokes such strong emotions, even today. He was brilliant and dangerous. And now we laugh at him, despite knowing what he did.


Whenever I hear about Germans taking World War II seriously, I always feel relief, and it's not because I'm glad they're apologizing for what their country did seventy years ago. It's because they know how serious a matter it is. Because they haven't forgotten. When they look at photographs of Hitler (And, for those of you who really want a shock, they've found color photos of him) they don't think, "That guy sure was evil, yep. Let's put him as the final boss in a video game." They think, "Ten million innocents were lost before he was stopped."

I'm sorry for ranting like this, and it's sort of hypocritical of me, but...this was something I needed to say.

Ted Bundy was also charismatic and good at both law and persuasive speech.

Not sure if I agree with him being seen as bumbling or a loon though. Insane, an egomaniac, and cruel for sure, but the bumbling and loon bits tend to be aimed more at the foot soldiers, going as far back as 40s propaganda. Please show me a modern example so we can discuss further.

"Hide" is a tricky one. As Doctor Who episodes go, it was good. Pretty damn good. But if I stick to my rating system, then dispite how good it was, it just didn't feel like the episode that I would be eagerly suggesting to people.

So, to clarify my rating scale again:

7/10--Would watch it again, but it didn't have any distinct remarkable moments.

8/10--Would watch it again, and it had some distinct remarkable moments.

9/10--Would watch it again and suggest it to friends.

10/10--Would watch it again, and suggest it to friends, AND it changes the way I view storytelling/characterization in general in a positive way.

So, with that in mind, "Hide" gets an 8/10, so still in the 4/5 bracket. Very good, nice job at advancing plot, nice characterization, nice to see something that actually felt menacing for once. I wanted to give this a 9, but it still lacked the dramatic sucker-punch that means that I need to suggest it to others who first ask about Doctor Who. Very close, painfully close.


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