Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Recap of my life: Since Canada Day (July 1st holla) I've been working at my parent's place which is a cell phone repair store. So if you all have questions about your phones, hit me up.

Over the weekend my friend got bit by my dog so we went to the ER (really fun times), I am doing Julno (but doing terribly), work has left me tired, AND one of my friends just had a successful surgery so I am in a super good mood. :)

So far summer has been fantastic for me, save for my IB grades and that dog bite incident, but I really don't care about those anymore.

I have news! First some site / fandom news, then some personal news.

First off, as part of an ongoing project to at least sort of preserve some stuff from the old MR fandom, I'm currently attempting to archive the ARG thread using the internet archive. If anyone has the old link to that thread that would be very helpful.

Second, my mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This site will stay online, but I may be around even less than normal.

Waybackmachine only does to page 3 or something, but I'll send you there anyway.

I can find my old profile (sooo many memories) but getting to the Itex ARG would be easier if I knew the directory/address for the Elena "Valentine" Muller profile.

Sorry to hear about your mother.

Found it.

Thread url


Have a ball?

Also, I still have copies of most of the old ARG materials, if you want them.

Oh, Nathan.

I am very sorry to hear about your mother.

1.) I do still have the first 50 pages of ARG (including the OP) which has been lovingly c/p onto my Evernote account here. I can also export the files if you'd like. 

2.) Oh god Nathan, best wishes to your mother. :( 

Hey guys.  You're all super cool.  Is there any way to get this site active-ish again?  

Every 3 or 4 months or so I come around her and get overcome with nostalgia. 

We should do regular video chats, like the one a few months back.

This. Shall I set up another relevant thread?

Yesss yes do it.

I'd love to, I just never can figure out how.

I feel like back in the day we all had two things in common: we'd read the Max Ride books and we were internet hermits. Now the series is over and we either hermit on tumblr or have lives, depending on the person.

But I do miss everyone! How've you been?

Very awesome.  Band camp was a bitch and a half but now I'm back and it's finally my senior year and I'm excited for everything.

How're you?


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