Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Update on the first fire: It was a suicide. He lit the place on fire and then shot himself. The family dogs died with him.

@End- Yeah, I know. And things will get better eventually, it's just been pretty rough as of late.

@Jessie- Thanks. Though you haven't reported any tragedies/extreme bad luck, I hope you, your friends, and your family are safe as well!

Ouch, sorry you've had to deal with that. Add another person to the list who hopes stuff around you is getting better. (:

Dude, holy fuck. I'm sorry that all that bad shit is happening, and I really hope that shitty events stop occurring in your hometown D:

Happy Halloween to all of those who celebrate! (It's my favorite holiday!)

I plan to spend today in class, grocery shopping, and then doing homework. What an exciting day! *sigh* But hopefully I'll squeeze in a childish Halloween movie or two (like Nightmare Before Christmas and ParaNorman).

Best flight in a glider in Auckland so far! 1 hour, 25 mins, up to cloudbase twice, thermalling, good landing, awesome! Should've taken photos!

Does any of you oldies remember me? 0:

Hey! How've you been? :D

Absolutely! Always happy to see an old avvie!

So in the past year or so, I have completely weaned off my computer and become horribly addicted to my phone (bless LTE) and in that time, I have 100% neglected this lovely old site.

It has been ages, how are you all?

Neck deep in NaNo, working an adult people job as a technical writer, and vomiting with joy that Doctor Who is only two days away instead of two months like it was back in September.

Did you know that you can access this site from your phone? It's true!

Oh my goodness end how can you do Nano? I have had no motivation this month. :( how is your job btw?


AH. I just learned that actually (I am posting from the MUCH nicer mobile version right now haha).

OH MY GOD, did you see the mini-ep with Eight in it!!!!


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