Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Did you have fun in NYC?
It was rad.
Yep. I loved it. But I liked the Phantom. :(

Now my eyes are all watery...

And yeah, that would've been good...
He was probably my favorite character.

It's okay. Terminator 2 makes me cry every time ;_;
*wonders off*
Dude, Unwind was pretty trashy, and I still cried when I read it x.x
Sooooooo. Fuck you, self.

Oooh, Nudge/Gazzy fic! Shiny.
Oh, that's gotta be fun...
:) It's /actually/ decent fic.

Although it took me 7 pages to find it. WTF MR archive, you used to be not-this-crap!
Ahahaha I know v.v

I tried reading some fic about Ari's childhood, but... I'm a high school student in a high school psych class and I still knew that little kids don't work that way.

Dammit guys, is it really so hard to do research?
God, Do I ever cringe at kidfic. I'm not the best kiddie writer, but even I know that babies don't speak in full sentences at 4 months old!



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