*cannot stand cold weather*
*doesn't mind winter if I'm curled up some place warm with a book or laptop*
*would put up with being cold for snow - 'tis a rarity and a novelty*
But 78 is only just warm...
*is still cold at 60*
*terribly glad we don't get 40, except very first thing in the middle of winter, and then it warms up fairly quickly*
It's probably a good thing you're going to NZ, not Aus. I hear it's colder there, and it sounds like you'd die in Australian Summer.
Being annoyed with a friend. Normally I'm indifferent to negative comments and insults, if anything I take them as advice or insight, and from somebody I actually respect/like, I appreciate it. But after awhile, when they're annoying and rude, it gets very old.
Back from ~40 minutes of shoveling, only quit 'cause I slipped and fell. (BTW: avoid shoveling if you don't own shoes for snow or gloves with fingers.)