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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I just got back from trick-or-treating.

I'm depressed to know half my friends don't plan on going next year. I'm milking these poor saps out of their candy till I no longer look so young. Which will probably be five years.

I went out as a dinosaur, got sweaty and disgusting, came home and got a shower. My feet kill but it was worth my large bag of candy.

And now I'm screwed for NaNoWriMo, for me it starts in three hours and I have nothing. Lovely.
You're not screwed. It's still possible. It started 11 and a half hours ago for me and I haven't actually figured out exactly what I'm writing. Next year I will be actually planning my story.
XD Nice.
Yeah... I've discovered 'winging it' isn't really my thing, so I'm attempting to pull a plan together now. Before it actually is too late.

I started a book series the other day. . . . .and I'm /not/ going to be able to finish them anytime soon, and they're. . .well books you can't really put down.

Not a good combination for NaNo.
What series is it?

I ordered a bunch of books off Amazon a couple of weeks ago, which means they're all going to arrive in the middle of November, and I'll be trying to study for exams... so this will be a fun month.
Symphony of Ages by Elizabeth Haydon.

It's Romance/Fantasy, my least favourite genres, but I absolutely adore it. *wouldn't be reading it had Pyro (male) not recommended it* The first book is Rhapsody.
*will have to look it up*

I love Romance/ Fantasy. *is just a sucker for anything the least bit romantic*
The first scene it a sex scene. xD

After that it's very subtle, though.
Lovely. xD

Subtle romance is the best. When it's sweet and cute, and not always in your face, and it's just little things, and you can't but think 'aww... they're so perfect!'

*gets very giggly*
Twilight is not romantic.


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