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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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About yes.

I'm obsessed okay? I have some problems and it was summer and I didn't have anything better to do...

XD No worries.

I think if I had owned the third book, when I was still a fan of the series, I would've read that one about ten times.
XD I shouldn't be allowed to get addicted to things.

And yes, the third one was most definitely the best.
XD I loved Zoe.

Not that I think I'm addicted to anything really, but. . . .I shouldn't be able to get addicted/obsessed with anything. It isn't good.
Going to get my dog! The only happy thing that has happen to me all year. Its it Citrus Heights.
Awww. Name him... I don't know I'm half tempted to suggest Mexican food.
Ugh. Even though it's 12:30, I know we're not going anywhere anytime soon and I need to go take a shower. I'll be back in an hour or so, unless someone takes my computer before I come back... >.>
Oh my god that was strange.... *is still at the coffee shop* *is no longer on the news*

So, they decided that interviewing me was a big deal, since I was the only one under like 25.... and the woman came over to me, and said "she doesn't have a title, can you guys (at news casters back at station) think of a title for her? And then she made me give a brief idea of my genre and what the novel was about.... which is just awkward, since I think in cliches and feel stupid discussing it. So I was like "well, it's mainstream fiction - a little adventure, crime, with a little bit of romance and cyberpunk probably thrown in. Well, the idiot newscaster cued on the romance and cyberpunk, even though I specified that it was a very small portion of the story - 'cause it is, really, it's just kind of there, but not at all the point..... there just happens to be romance, and there happens to be the hacking/nerdy type stuff. So they dude decided on this crap title, I don't even remember what it was, but we were all laughing our asses off, but when we went back on air she made us all cheer and pretend it was amazing. So I'm still titleless, and I'm going to be talking about the shit I'm writing on everyone's favorite local news channel for like five minutes. *dies* I just SOUND so much stupider with a camera pointed at my face. And look worse. And stare at the ceiling compulsively. So, yeah, I can't wait until everyone sees this. >.>
-Agrees with Nawsomes-

Besides you're on TV! That's just cool. And you can't help it if the newscaster is a bit of an idiot.

Edit: Fishy I think we're basically the youngest people doing it. :\ I've checked some of the people in my area and the youngest is 18...

Now I'm scared to go to those writing parties....
Under-thirteen doing NaNo usually get shuffled off to a different site whose name I cannot recall. But there are loads of thirteen-year-old NaNoers.
It's just that old people scares me. If no people my age show up I chicken out. -Is a wimp- Seriously if last night wasn't Halloween I would have been terrified of half the people who handed out candy.
I actually know someone my age in RL who's doing it.


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