While it wasn't my first fandom, it was the first I ever gave a real liking to, or started to /really/ care about the members, and the first I stuck with for more than 6 months or so.
While I was on several other types of forums, the old MR ones were the first ones I really followed, and truly cared and really enjoyed lurking in.
After my ban on MX. . .I dunno, none of the other fandoms I'm currently in felt right. While I can see myself in another fandom, I can't for the life of me give up on this one. Even if I think it might be for the best. v.v
Lamp, you really don't have much of this fandom to give up. What, this site? It's hardly a fandom site, it's just.... a meeting place. For us. All you have to lose from this fandom, now, are friends and memories. Though we could all do well to forget all the bad memories.....
Remember that quote 'My greatest hope is to lost all hope'? Hm?
That kind of applies to my view on the MR fandom.
I've just. . . . . .this was my first, I can't really think about just leaving it, fully. Not so much for the site, but the people, the memories, and everything that goes along with it.
As much as it might be best to leave, and there isn't much more to lost, just the thought of being done with it after all these years. . . . .seems. . . .alien, I guess. I can't really even consider it, fully, or at least without knowing that I'd regret it, terribly and/or I wouldn't hold true to what I decided to do.
I love my old and new online friends. And I adore all the memories, good. Just. . . it's too personal, now, I fear to just pack up and walk out.
I.... I don't even consider it, leaving the fandom, anymore. 'Cause, really, what do we talk about here? And I'm not on FF, really, I'm not on MX anymore.... I'm only here to talk to all you guys. And even if I "left," I wouldn't really leave, my contact with all of you would simply move elsewhere. I'm not sure what you mean, by leaving, if you mean just this site, or leaving behind all your fandom friends, or what. For me, the latter was never even a consideration... but I get too attached, I guess, to the people, to all you guys. And, I can't use the "it'd be for the best," argument, because.... well, it wouldn't be, for me. While this place has kind of killed my RL life, it also saved it, in a way.
Whenever I was really depressed, someone or something on MX used to make all the difference and get me in my usual 'impassive' mood.
For me I do kinda see it as leaving the fandom. I used to lurk on MR UK, I'm on that back up site but never use it. While I am back reading some ff again, it seems. . . . it's just, there's too much leaving going on.
I've lost too many communications with people already, I think. I don't want to risk losing more.
Yeah.... This place, and all of you guys, in general, have done that for me far more than I think you realize. *would normally have a story to share about now* *has told you everything on this topic, though* *looks around*
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 6, 2009 at 2:38pm
It was technically my first fandom. Unless you count Pokemon... And my weird obsession with Gaia.
When I dig through MX, I have to resist to comment and such.
And then I take it out on poor unsuspecting chaps on TTS.
Actually, Tara got around a MX ban like that. Since she joined when it was going as maximumride.ning.com, and was banned when they were still sending out emails with that. They changed the URL again, to max-dan-wiz, she accidentally logged in with the wrong account, and she got back on the site. Same email, even after her ban. 'Tis a glitch after so many URL changes.
._. Actually, maximumride.ning.com, unless I'm losing it, has always been just an alt-URL for MX itself. The URL-change to the main site was from maximum-x.com to max-dan-wiz.com.
I just checked with my profile to see what would happen. The banning message still made me all twitchy and horrified just like it originally did. *feels weird*