Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Trying so very hard not to pass out.
You okay?
I haven't slept for two days and in that total of two days I've only eaten 3 times.
Sleep. And eat. But not at the same time....
*gives Throne a Popsicle* They're very good. *eats my Popsicle*
*Laughs* I can't. I'm on this messed up medication thats suppose to help me with my depression , that I don't have and my mother thinks I have. I can't sleep for some reason. I've tried , but I can only pass out for like 10 minutes then wake back up. I've also tried eating. I just throw it up after I eat it. >.< Stupid medication.
o.o Dude. Go... eat something. And then sleep.
>.< I'll try.
Did you kill off all Jr.s in the story, or do Juniors not exist in your story?
*notices they're the only year that's missing*
XD Eerie.
Sophomores don't exist. Seriously, I only know like 15 sophomores..... Tons of frosh, juniors, and seniors....


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