Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Alright, let's post our RL bios here :) . Just put whatever you feel comfortable with, even if it's only your first name or something you like to do for fun. Please, not too much info because there ARE creepers around here >.>

Many of you are my friends on facebook, so you know my full name anyways, but I'll be omitting my last for obvious reasons.


First Name: Alana
Age: 16
Lives: USA.
Loves: This site, reading (<3) dance (my skills are crap, but who cares?) and music. Chocolate. Ok, just... food in general >.> . Clothes/shopping. Shoes. Oh, and trashy TV.
Dislikes: Blink 812.
Hobbies: Speech and Debate and beading. Yes, like the jewelry type. I'll post a bunch of pics of the bracelets I've made someday :)

[Add pic here]

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First name: Emily.
Middle name: Claire.
Age: 17
Lives: Melbourne, Australia.
Likes: Reading, writing, internet, hot weather, tea, flowers, cupcakes...
Dislikes: Idiots, ignorance, cockroaches

And... picture:

Um, 'twas the first recent, decent looking one I found... but, yeah. It was rather late at the time, which kinda shows...
And sorry for the horrid camera quality...
You're so pretty.

Is it weird that I picture everyone in Australia as having blond hair?

Yes, gorgeous.
Emily ish purdy.

Also you're /seventeen?/

I thought you were sixteen... for some reason.

I'll be sure to look for you if I'm ever in Toronto during X-mas.
I was 16, until like... a couple of weeks ago.

Okay this removes any confusion.
Love, you're amazingly beautiful. Beyond so.

This is the black/white party recent?
Yep. Mum decided to take a picture after she picked me up.
'Tis very lovely.
First Name: Alice
First Middle Name: ...Dorothy. I hate it.
Age: 16
Lives: Derbyshire, England.
Loves: People I luff, reading, the internet, teachers that are interesting and lecture well, the smell of Waterstones, Southern accents, shoes, crazy eye makeup.
Dislikes: Most of my school, the place I live, idiots, wearing foundation, sensible clothing.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, talking, eating (seriously 24/7).


Shutup, Reilly. :P

Why thankyou, so I'm told >.> I look less weird/retarded in real life, I promise. o.o *hypercritical of photos*
I know I'm friends with you on FB, but I can't get over how pretty you are. C:
=D Thankyou. I hear this a lot from onliners, but RL people never compliment me. Either you guys are generous/fibbing, or I need to stop hanging around with gorgeous friends...


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