Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Alright, let's post our RL bios here :) . Just put whatever you feel comfortable with, even if it's only your first name or something you like to do for fun. Please, not too much info because there ARE creepers around here >.>

Many of you are my friends on facebook, so you know my full name anyways, but I'll be omitting my last for obvious reasons.


First Name: Alana
Age: 16
Lives: USA.
Loves: This site, reading (<3) dance (my skills are crap, but who cares?) and music. Chocolate. Ok, just... food in general >.> . Clothes/shopping. Shoes. Oh, and trashy TV.
Dislikes: Blink 812.
Hobbies: Speech and Debate and beading. Yes, like the jewelry type. I'll post a bunch of pics of the bracelets I've made someday :)

[Add pic here]

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Cute! :D
You're very pretty.
Very cool eyes, too. Like, incredibly so. *nods*
'Daaaww... Thanks. =D
Not to sound creepy... But you're purdy.

Also you're as tall as me. >.>

Short people unite!
Short people FTW!!!
:D You're gorgeous. :3

This thread makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.
DUDE, F'REAL, I WANT YOUR HAIR AND EYES. You look like the opposite of how I imagined...
I've heard that sooo many times before.

I mean, the "you're not what I imagined" part. :P
How exactly is 5'1" like 3 feet? There's a whole 2 feet of difference.

Yippee for me, I'm not a medically clasifiable dwarf anymore. XD
First name: Joyce
Middle name: Anne (Put them together and you officially have the perfect hick name. Thanks mom and dad!)
Nicknames: Genius (my friends are delusional...), Shorty, Shrimp, Asian, Miss Swan... I think that's it...
Age: 14
Lives: As most of you know, Halifax, Canada.
Loves: The internet, riding in shopping carts, Sheldon my laptop, Gadzooks my ipod, my friends, my evil rabbit, quiet rooms, gymnastics (because oh my god I can actually do it), being alone in the house, good books, reading, writing, sushi, music, debates, sleeping and staying up way later than I should.
Dislikes: Stupidity, idiots, annoying people, my brother, bad spelling, people who take credit for doing nothing, people who have ridiculous expectations from you, people who misuse words despite knowing the real meaning behind it, arrogant people.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music, and uh... nagging my friends to do homework and pay attention in class which fits in with preventing them from doing seriously stupid things.

This is a rare thing, I hate taking pictures. >.>


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