Randomly Accumulated Brain Junk Food
An awesome quote from The Exorcism of Emily Rose...
Emily Rose(possessed): (in German) Dolls and kisses, crosses and wishes...You think that can save your little girl!?
To write some odd thoughts that swam through my head-
If we're wrong or right, whose to say? We made up wrong and right anyway. We truly know nothing about this world. Didn't we make up the truth? So it isn't the truth. Maybe there isn't even truth. I'm not sure, but I'm just saying. That's why they're odd thoughts, ne?
Well since I'm super bored I'm going to make a list of food I wish I had right now. =3
1. Cheesecake.
2. More cheesecake.
3. More MORE cheesecake.
4. ...SURPRISE cheesecake! ^^
5. Lots more cheesecake (You still reading this?)
6. Still cheesecake (Seriously?)
7. Cheesecake in a larger quantity (You're totally bored, am I right?)
8. Cake consisting of...o.o stuff that cheesecake consists of
9. DUCK! X3 Just kidding, cheesecake
10. Um...O.o suddenly Pizza Rolls...DX CRAP!
What now...BOO!! Did I scare you? =3 Did I super duper scare you? Did you crap your pants? Huh? Huh? HUH? BOO! Ha ha! People's pain.
Wow...o.o so bored.
Home is where the heart is...especially if you puke it onto the Kitchen floor. -Me and my friend talking ^^
"Hana: Standing is just a myth!!
Salem: Of course it is Hana. Just like teachers and strawberry milk." -Me and my friend's character (RP)
"Hana: Fear Fang's bra gun!" -Random RP with the same infamous friend in the earlier quotes
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As far as life snagging free time, truer words have never been spoken.
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