The story enclosed within these pages is not one I have any hopes of you believing. In a world where reason reigns supreme, where common sense overrules the sixth, where you can see what’s real and trust your senses to indicate the true nature of the universe, it’s entirely reasonable for you to believe that some fantastic tale of an alternate dimension, a story that you cannot touch, is nonexistent.
And yet, there are still things about your world that you don’t understand,…
ContinueAdded by Fake Fang on January 29, 2012 at 4:50am — No Comments
An all powerful, all knowing, eternal entity beyond human perception or conception, forever bound to a set of predetermined laws that it doesn’t understand…formed from nothing, with no companions except for the clay figures it makes, infinitely inferior to it in terms of intelligence, incapable of understanding a single thought it has as it drifts through eternity, formless…it can create life, intelligence, and self awareness, and it can control the universe as it wills, but it can’t create…
ContinueAdded by Fake Fang on December 1, 2011 at 3:36am — 2 Comments
Shopkeeper Trader was bored.
She idly glanced around the shop, and sighed to herself as she waited for something to happen. Someone to enter the shop, someone to buy someone, someone to talk to her.
Part of the problem with running Needless Things, as she named the Shop, was that people weren’t exactly flocking inside constantly. After all, it technically didn’t normally exist spatially, only appearing when people were actively searching for it, whether they…
ContinueAdded by Fake Fang on November 29, 2011 at 2:00am — 4 Comments
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