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Throne_Spaz's Blog (9)

I Hate My Name.

My rant (that really shouldn't be called a rant because I suck at ranting).

I hate my name.


Its just so boring to me.

Random but funny v v :

One day in core class, I was writing my name on a work paper and in my head I was like 'My name is so gay.' Written on my paper in…


Added by Throne_Spaz on July 6, 2010 at 2:28pm — 5 Comments


I haven't been on for a while. I mean I've been on here, talked a little, then left.

Nothing like when I was on MX.

Showing up for hours and talking peoples ears off. c:

I'm not well known so this doesn't really apply to most people, but I'm sorry.

I go on the computer every day. Check all my emails, FB, Myspace and all the other websites I go on to.

I just never seem to get on here.

No excuse for it.

I love talking to all of…


Added by Throne_Spaz on March 30, 2010 at 10:44am — No Comments


I'm never on here, but when I do come on I don't recognize half the people. :c Its kind of upsetting really....

Added by Throne_Spaz on December 31, 2009 at 3:57pm — 3 Comments

I still feel like a newbie.

I still get confused a lot.

I still don't really understand what the fandom is. *is ashamed*

I still say stupid things.

Ugh. It's so stupid for me to not get these things or do these things. >.> I'm feel bad for myself.

I still feel like a newbie. Its really annoying and it upsetting sometimes.

Added by Throne_Spaz on December 11, 2009 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

The lack of toes in the world.

My sudden interrest in toes has me going bonkers. And yes I said bonkers. *giggles* I'm actually giggling to.xD

With my unsensable logic for lack of toes I will now write a paragraph on my toesie.

My toes are weird. They have chipped darkpurple nail polish.( ' ; They all have names. I have no pinky

toe nail on both pinky toes. My second toe, the one next to the big toe, is longer than my big toe on my

left foot. My favorite toe is named Shanious (shane-ie-us),… Continue

Added by Throne_Spaz on December 1, 2009 at 5:03pm — 4 Comments

Suspended. >.>

What the hell is suspended? I mean really people we know we have been banned.
They torturing me. <./body>

Added by Throne_Spaz on November 26, 2009 at 11:01am — 5 Comments


These storys are fake. Not real.

My day went totally wrong. Totally numb. Totally dead. I turned in all my assighments All of them. Didn't get in a fight. Didn't eat, didn't speak. Didn't even breath most of the time. I failed my assighment. The teacher was highly upset about it. She even said so. I wonder why. She also said it was highly disturbing. She read it to the whole class. I sat in silence and stared at the ceiling while they laughed. The teacher was so striken by it… Continue

Added by Throne_Spaz on October 31, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Another story. #2

My feet walk.The halls are crowded. To many people. To many voices. I try to stay calm. Not need to breakdown here. To many eyes, ears. I see my first period classroom. I don't consider it a classroom. Just a simple closet the janitor let me use to do my studying by my self. I open the door. The place was a mess. I cleaned it. The bell rings. I pick up my feet and go through the motions of the school. I get stares. Being gone for a year , that is, seems to get people to notice you. I crawl out… Continue

Added by Throne_Spaz on October 31, 2009 at 2:26pm — No Comments

My story. Its sort of weird. ~.` #1

I think about sleeping, then the little fucked up side of me speaks in my brain and says with total determination," A little bit longer won't hurt you, you'll be fine ." I sigh and trust that the fucked up side of me knows what its saying (which I highly doubt it does, but still feel the need to trust it, its the only thing I can trust anymore). I stay up a little bit longer, just long enough to feel numb sensation of total and uter-exhaustion, I crawl to my bed in the hope of at least a few… Continue

Added by Throne_Spaz on October 28, 2009 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

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