What not to do on MX:
1. Do not express an opinion about the books, JP or the mods/site owner.
2. Do not attempt to educate the noobs in spelling and/or grammar.
3. Do not create a group with the word 'Army' in it, even if you're harmless. *Goes to check if the other Armies are there...yes they are.*
4. Do not create a group with the name 'Nathan' along side the word 'Army'.
5. Do not hold an intelligent conversation about the books.
6. Do not hold an intelligent conversation in general.
7. Do not mention the word 'Figgy'.
8. Do not express a negative opinion on Fax.
9. Do not mention the word 'Anti'. It scares the mods.
10. Do not say the Flock are fictional characters in a book. While you're at it, don't say the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa are fictional too.
11. Do not use proper spelling and/or grammar.
12. Do not love your Caps lock (ie: type in all capitals.)
13. Do not attempt to defend yourself in an intelligent way when noobs tell you to 'die'.
14. Do not express a disliking to Fang.
15. Do not express the opinion about killing off Fang to make the series more interesting.
16. Do not JOIN this forum. If you have done so, please delete your account and join FlockForum.ning instead.
Failure to comply to these rules will result in you being shot out of a cannon.
I have a right to alter these rules as i see fit-without warning-and ignore any complaints you have about them.
Edited for Doomy.
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