Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Dear member,
Thank you for participating in the TTS community. However, your account has reached the maximum number of violations and is now banned permanently. You are not permitted to rejoin the site
under another name.

Copy of your last violation:
Thread: "Renesmee should STILL be a lesbian". Making disparaging remarks about the author
and continually posting a thread that could incite riotous comments.

TTS Moderation Team

I swear to...something, that place is getting more and more like the Lexicon. Disparaging remarks about the author? And about those riotous comments, I put in a fucking disclaimer about how it wasn't an anti-gay vs. pro-gay thread, and to keep those arguments out of there!


For those not in the know: TTS =, and I was an anti there. I'm most known there for making a thread titled "Renesmee should be a lesbain.", which was about...well, how Renesmee should be a lesbian. The forum used to not be as strict as it is now, but lately it's been becoming more like the Twilight Lexicon, which is a forum where you get permabanned for saying the the teensy tiniest little negative thing about the Twilight series.

Views: 2

Comment by Contradiction on February 13, 2010 at 7:39am
Inciting a riot?

They have got to be fucking kidding. >.<'

Um, how about banning the people who are "rioting", then?
Comment by nathan_p on February 13, 2010 at 9:11am
>.> They often use the same excuse -- "inciting a riot" -- to ban folks on MX. Although they got away with banning talkin' shit about the author by saying it's not them, it's the site owner.
Comment by Izzy on February 13, 2010 at 9:22am
*sniffle* Ouch. Well, screw them. D:/body>
Comment by Xuut on February 13, 2010 at 10:17am
What the bloody fuck?

That's soooo unfair. That thread is waaay old, and how is saying your opinion of what it you'd like it to be a crime now? And a riot? OF WHAT?! Angry Twilight fans who didn't give a damn much anyways? Good lord.

:| -Not happy-

Screw you mods, just screw you.
Comment by Mudkip on February 13, 2010 at 11:24am
*is angry BEYOND words*
*is angry BEYOND faces*
Comment by Fake on February 16, 2010 at 2:41am


What the hell.

But seriously, is anybody suprised? Have the mods ever needed a good reason in the past?
Comment by Pyro H2O on February 20, 2010 at 8:12am
The hell? >.> *sighs* Mods...gotta' hate 'em.
Comment by Izzy on May 16, 2010 at 10:01am
Crow, nope. Neva, eva.


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