Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Hahaha, the worst thing was that during that time I was also in school, and had tests, family over, all kinds of things... and still pulled it off.
I've always wanted to but....
*changes mind*
*will do it*
I would, but my June one was kinda weak and was inspired by an event in my life, so not likely I'll be able to think of something...
November is exam month for me, so as much as I probably should and I would be interested in trying it, I actually can't.
Ooh, cool... got any vague plot ideas yet?

I'm doing the sequel to RC, and maybe another novel involving Elsa's adventures as a teenager >.>
Ooh... sounds cool. I wanna see it :D
This may be my easiest NaNo ever. Research consists of referencing to TAE and deciding how to explain something. If I can't be fucked... fluff time!
Research is the bane of my existence v.v
I've always wanted to do something like this. . . but. . . .
Sadly, it's right during the start of b-ball season. . .which pretty much will dominate my life come, Nov.

Meh, I'll sign up. . .I really, really doubt I'll get even half the goal, though.
I made an account simply because it might be a good excuse to stay up late and be anti-social. I'm not stupid enough to think I'll finish, however, and I'm aware that I can't write worth a damn. Fishy.

I understand. Same reason, I joined, more or less.
The unofficial NaNo motto is "quantity, not quality". As long as you can meet the wordcount goal, the quality of what you write really doesn't matter.


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