Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

aka show us your music.

Double-posting allowed/encouraged, so post away if you feel we gotta know about this song.

"F. N. T." - Semisonic

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Just flipped on the RC mixtape to fill the dead air.

"Engines" - Snow Patrol.


Aaaand now "Psychosocial" - Slipknot.
"Falling Hard" - The Crystal Method.

Except can't make up its fuckin mind on what this damn band is called <.>

Love the first half of the song so much.
"When You Go" - Early States
"Sunsets" - Powderfinger.
"The Boy With An Anchor" - Oh No Oh My.

'Cause seriously, fuck work.
Lonely Nation - Switchfoot

My House - Kids of 88 //I wanna take you back to my house/ I like the feeling when you touch me baby/ It's not as good when I'm by myself/ You know you make me go whoo-oh//

Jai Ho - That chick from PCD plus the rest of PCD plus that dude who says jai ho all the time.
"Major Tom (Coming Home)" - Peter Schilling.
"Prayer of the Refugee" - Rise Against

Edit - "Chapter Four" - A7X
"Breakdown" - Jack Johnson.

Annnnd..... Now, "Half-Truism" - The Offspring.
"Boston" - Augustana.

Edit - "Girl I Know" - A7X
"Super Conductor" - Beautiful Small Machines.

Well, it's stuck in my head, anyway.

I've got the frequency to turn you on!


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