Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

We need a place to talk and brag about HeartGold and SoulSilver, which technically isn't allowed in Pokemon Fan Club. Yeah, we could do that on "What are you doing right now?", but here it'd be on topic.

I searched and didn't find one. Feel free to yell at me if this isn't okay.


2/19/11 EDIT: I changed the title to allow for Black/White stuff. OCDness I guess.

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Oh my! *gigglespaz* My little character person is dressed up as Team Rocket. Oh my! I love this! Sadly, I don't have the coordination to type and play at the same time.
Yes. I wish I could keep the cool(er) black outfit. The one she usually wears is just awful.
Should I get HG or SS?
I wanna get to your guys' level so that we can talk normally. And walkthroughs by you all.
I got HG. Most people got SS. You can get both legendaries in either game, but you get the theme one at 40, the non-theme one later at level 70.

XD Never ask me, in that case. Neo will pounce if I do.

EDIT: The Bulbapedia page:
SS it is. ASAP, which is prolly a while. I'll let you know.
This IS allowed in the PFC, you know...

I'm giving you permission to put it there.
*blink* *surprised* I can totally remember the layout and the trainers that were on that road. I may be wrong, so don't quiz me, but the memory was really vivid.
I'll ask my mom if i can buy it off Amazon when she gets home.

It'll be weird though. She is under the impression that Pokémon is a kid's game. The fool.

On the subject of Nintendo kid's games, I also love StarFox.
Excellent. I can have it by Monday, and I only need to borrow $10. Now I need to find my DS Lite (will those things still connect with whatever DS's you guys have)?
I haz wifi. Do not despair.
SO, I haven't played 2nd generation games since... 1st grade, I think. I do remember having a level 100 meganium, which was cool, but that's about it. I'll probably start off with Chickorita, unless you guys tell me otherwise.

So when do you get Evee? I must have Umbreon.


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