Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was banned! I found out I was banned from the Banhammer thread! I'm checking my emails and I have two called 'Sexually Explicit'.

1. Dear Happi Zebra,

Thank you for participating in our community! However, your POST in look-its-nathan on April 15, 2009 was found to be in violation of Max-Dan-Wiz’s terms of service. Please review the posting guidelines here:

Additional violations could result in a ban from the site.

Below is a copy of your violation:

Okay, be honest, who would tap that? I would. In an instant, man. >.> Plz no one squeal on me.

Thank you,


2. Dear Happi Zebra

Thank you for participating in our community! However, your POST in look - its nathan was found to be in violation of Max-Dan-Wiz’s terms of service. Please review the posting guidelines here:

Additional violations could result in a ban from the site.

Below is a copy of your violation:
i'd tap that

Thank you,


The second was from 'Katy W' and a different email. There's 6 new replies for the 'Look! It's Nathan!' thread which must have brought it to the whore's attention. *mourns account*

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Z how long have you been around?
*has been around for two years...*
But most of it doesn't couint because I was a lurker and a Noob for most of it...
Goddammit, stop making me feel new! XD

I signed up on MX sometime in October, but completely forgot about it until sometime around... late February of this year.

*Radiates Newbishness*
Heh it's actually closer to three years I just didn't count the year I stayed off and ignored the numerous sites exiastances.
I only rejoined... what early January, as a noob but quickly evolved to Anti Fan and who I am today...
>.> I dread to think what would have happened if DZ and Vince hadn't been the first people I talked to...
I might still be a Newb. (in everyone's consideration not just yours Z) *shudders*
I've been in the MR fandom since early ', nearly four years.
I don't remember when I joined MX, sometime before christmas. Maybe Novemver/early December or it could be before then. *shrug*
I joined MR1 21 July 2006 (a week before I actually turned thirteen). MX in the middle of November.
*does quick maths to work out your age*

*nods* You joined before me.
I am therefore a Newb in comparison. Z wins.
*yawn* I joined original MR in April '07. MX in November '08. I'm hardly an oldie, though I was never a newbish newb. I was an RP nerd. *holy light shines* I'm just feeling old 'cause it hit me that I'm gonna be an adult in 2 months. Pat will too, though. *points*

Eh, feel free to feel like an "oldie". Someone needs to. ^-^ (Gah that sounded wrong)
*wisenod* *beats you with my wisdom stick*
Ooh! A wisdom stick!

Not how I imagined encountering my very first "stick of wisdom".
Oh look, I'm the only person on right now!




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