Ok... I looked through all of the threads here, so I can be reasonably sure that we don't have this one yet. It's on MDW, but a lot of new people are there and, like, virtually NO old people. EDIT: On the thread, I mean.
So, I decided to post it here. It's incredibly fun if you're creative.
So, here's how you play; 1. First poster wishes for something. 2. Second poster grants and corrupts wish and then wishes for something else.
Example; I wish I had some tea.
Granted, but it's poisoned. I wish I had an iPad.
Granted, but it's broken.
PS- Original credit for this thread goes to the dude Lilyflower stole it off of.
Granted, but since I'm in an evil mood I feel like making an evil character for the Narnia rp and doing something with that. But mainly I feel like laughing evily.