Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Ok. We all have our major characters, feel free to add some minor characters if you want. I'm setting a character limit of three, however, because my memory is crap. And you don't really need more than three.

The White Witch's lines will just be made up by whoever wants to. Same with Aslan.

We have a secret language, it's here:|ms|Hey%20look%2C%20it%27s%20a%20secret%20language!


Other than that, go ahead and RP!

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(I think it's kinda funny how you rp in third person.... There's nothing wrong with it, it just makes you realize it's not REAL :( )

I looked around. The cave was large, but had little to no echo.

I blinked at Ara, my memories a little fuzzy. Ceiri..... The name was familiar, but I couldn't but a face to it, or really remember anything about her.

"Uh...." I said. "Well.... It's been a while, you know, and I.... uh.... Yeah." I looked down, my cheeks turning light green. I sighed.
((But it's sad. Who cares about officialness?))
((Genius Tally! Again, I might add... :D))

I ran over to where I thought I heard the sound. For a second I wondered if the others saw me, but it didn't matter all that much. I didn't see anyone, they must've left before I got here. Or I was imagining it. But I heard it, I know I did! Was I just hoping too hard? I sighed. But suddenly, I saw something dissapearing behind the trees. I fallowed quietly. Maybe it was the whisperer.
I put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. But if this is truly the biggest and most successful rebellion yet, and Aslan really is back, then we might have a chance. We could stop Her. We could bring Spring back." I smiled at this thought, memories of past springs and summers in my head.

"We have to take her down. Do you know about how many creatures are in the rebellion? What places are safe?"
(I don't know.... :S)
(Sure..... Now you have to make up random names for safe-places. Ha!)
(Because it's funny.)
I lined up my feet with my sister's and crouched down, poised for a race. Trust us to turn a dangerous job into a game.
"Ready? GO!" she shouted, and we were off. We were supposed to awake and alert all of the nymphs to the upcoming rebellion meeting. The task would have been easier for me, since I could communicate with them and feel their energy, but my sister was much faster than I was. Already, she was out of sight.

I took the east side and she took the west. Ara was alerting the other naiads, and Kiri the centaurs. We had one, simply message;

Aslan is coming.

It was ludicrous for us to be so assured, really, but it was our only hope.
(*Pokes as well*)
Do not dance in front of the dead. >:(
That's... Different?

I don't trust anything from ''


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