Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

so i looked at the other maximum ride site and the people there are all weird about so many things and they dont let you say bad words and stuff.

are u guys like that here? cuz if u are its cool ill just leave. but if you arent thats awesome.

also can u talk about like controversal things? or is that bad.

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Well. . . . not terribly. In the end you can generally end up winning when I know you're right, then it's like ingrained in your head and your ideas can change and/or you can act on it.

>.> You still win a fair amount.
I do win sometimes, usually when I'm right.

My only point was, you can still win when you're wrong and we both know you're wrong. XD
Eh, not recently, at least.

Also, my democrat ass will kick your democrat ass.
My political views are "Marching Band"...
Can mine be, "Whatever isn't STUPID"?
I'm a card-carrying member of the Surprise Party, betches :D
XD Love you, dear.
Honestly it didn't matter what you chose for this, because I disagree with both sides. XD
lol. soooo....
How amusing.

"ok. i bet i could take them. im good at arguing and i kno lots of stuff about politis

ok im respecetul though cuz im not even religious"

>.> I'm respectful and religious, thanks.


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