Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

so i looked at the other maximum ride site and the people there are all weird about so many things and they dont let you say bad words and stuff.

are u guys like that here? cuz if u are its cool ill just leave. but if you arent thats awesome.

also can u talk about like controversal things? or is that bad.

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Are you being irritated at him for quoting Patricia, or are you irritated at Patricia?
Neither. Just disagree with that phrase, in general.
Oh. That makes sense, then.

*thought you were mixing him up with Patricia because they both have the default picture* XD
No, just forgot to comment on it before and too lazy to dig it up.
oh im srry. u can be respectful and religious. just lots of pppl arent lol.
Lots of people are as well, hon. You just have to be careful with extremists. Which, really, there are extremist for everything, every idea, etc.
but it seems like most religious ppl r stuk in their own religion so they cnt respect others.

im not saying u r it just seems like most ppl.
It's actually against several of the main religions to do that.

Heh, lots of non-religious people can be worse with thinking that. Whats-his-face spend over a billion dollars on bluntly saying 'Religious people are idiots/wrong. Enjoy life, there's nothing else' in the UK.

I'd suggest not making assumptions until you actually see a questionable post. Seriously. Because assuming as such only makes you just as bad, and could put you in a tight spot.

Sucks that the people around you are like that, though.
but at least we athesists dont push our beliefs on other people.

ok. srry.

If you are an atheist, you don't HAVE beliefs. That's what the word MEANS. *slightly annoyed*

*is here anyway, so adds her two cents*

Also, I agree with the whole non-religious-people-can-be-worse thing. And I'm not religious, so you can't say I'm biased.
XDDD *offers tea*
ya we do. just cuz its not like ur religious beliefs doesnt mean it doesnt count.


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