Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I feel like everyone here (myself included) is really negative the vast majority of the time. Look at the "What are you doing right now?" thread and you'll see it too.

No negativity here. From anyone. Post anything that happened today, anything in your life in general, a link, a game, whatever... something that makes you happy. No being sad or angry. Go do that in some other thread, you can only be happy here.

*skips around with everyone*

Hey, look, a rainbow!

Edit - Oh, and, double/multiple/spam-y posts highly encouraged. I mean, this is gonna die anyways, but if you have something new to say, by all means, spam as much as you like.

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When there's nothing else to do, there's always Winterbells.
I just got a girlfriend. Wut.
Just reconnected with an old friend. :D

And he wasn't all, "Lol wtf, who are you?"

(Although this might sound a tad shallow...) As a lovely bonus (and as my friend enjoys pointing out) he's really, really hot.
-Spam, spam, spam-


My Dad met his old best friend whom he lost contact with ten years ago. This is the guy who last saw me when I was a year old, gave my brother beer as a baby (XDD), and pretty much helped my dad a lot. They met by chance in Toronto while leaving a hotel.

And then yesterday at Forever 21 I saw a woman speaking to this girl who was seventeen, talking about how they hadn't seen each other in ten years and how they needed to catch up.

Makes the world seem very small. And makes me hopeful. -Might accidentally see one of you in ten years ^^-
Dude. Accidentally? You're coming to Sacramento and we're visiting Zaboomafoo! :D
What IS "Zaboomafoo"? >.>
A lemur from an old kids' TV show, Zaboomafoo. He retired and is at the Sacramento Zoo or something now.
Basically what Nathan said.

And here's the lemur. And those two guys.

One of them now lives where Tally is.
Yeah. They all just walked into each other. My dad was all, "We haven't had dinner with Albert in ten years! TEN YEARS!"

And then that lady and Forever 21 was like, "It's a small, small, world eh?" over and over again.

:DDDD EPIC. If I go to Winnipeg maybe we'll get lost (probable) accidentally okay so I mean illegally/accidentally cross the border and then find ourselves in Cali. THEN WE CAN SEE ZABOOMAFOO.


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