My network just went on the Ning plan, and let me tell you, the new moderation tools are nice. They can really make modding easy so you cane be lazy and all. SO, heads up for you MX'ers and whatnot. There's a new feature called the 'Dashboard', it shows most popular members, threads, pics, discussions, etc. It also really keeps track of members, content, etc. Really, it's making life easy for just browsing quickly to mod stuff. SO, I'd warn anyone terribly too active on MX/TTS about this. I wouldn't be surprised if the mods start being lazy and just use it and the search bar to find things, though I hear they've been rather absent lately.
Guess this would be an appropriate time to mention this... I can't help pay for it anymore. Sorry guys, things at home have been fuckity these past days and will continue to be fuckity for a while. I won't have any money and even if I did my parents wouldn't let me use for something like this.