Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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I always dreamed of going somewhere big and fancy and far away, but I'll probably end up at NCSU being given shit for not coming home to visit my (by then, probably separated) parents enough.

I mean, I know that NCSU is a good school, and I'm not cocky, but just look at the way that my mother totally fibbed my science grade so I could have all As (I mean, she at least made me do extra credit work, but still). Hopefully I'll be going to NCSSM my junior year though, and everyone says I'm going to horribly fail at that so I might not go to college at all. I could always end up at FTCC... I'll get a feel for that school when I do pre-cal there in the second semester of next year. I always get nervous about the classes I am graded strictly in, but I saw some of their work when I helped my friend with his pre-cal homework last year and it was easy as pi. GET IT? PI. LOLS.
After doing some thorough research and a lot less day dreaming and also having my parent's opinions shoved down my throat.

I'm seriously thinking U of T. It's one of the closest places here that offers a zoology program because screw you mom and dad, I'm not being a doctor, pharmacist, or whatever the hell else you think is really great and okay, so I'll be really poor and in debt but uh... I'll be saving X animal? Hopefully? Maybe? That or I can work at the zoo nearby.

As a plus since my dad has been shoving this down my throat, yes, let's lecture the 14 year old and not the 16 or 17 year old about where to go for schooling it's in Toronto which is probably where I'll be moving to so I'll know people, not be too far away for my parents to bitch at, and as my dad enjoys stating, he can sleep in my apartment.

However I am rather hopeful for a school in the states. Since I'll be going to a less shitty school soon, I'm hopeful that I can catch up to the kids here, develop a fabulous GPA, get an amazing scholarship and then go to Cornell, which although an Ivy League, and sounds hard to get into it sounds like it's very nice for zoology. As a plus? It's far, far, far away. :D
You know what's REALLY far away? UNC. Within an hour of NCSU and I'm pretty sure they have something zoo-ish there...

And you don't want me there because it's semi-close to you?

But Cornell has been my dream uni since I first heard about zoology. Which was in seventh grade... but still. And then next was U of T because my parents started to tell me how difficult it was to get in (during eighth grade... let's just say that technically speaking, I never really went to grade 8) and how I'd never get in. Etc. Etc.

Know what you should do? Get into an Ivy league with me. ;D Because for some reason they all like to be crammed close together. Or go in a different country. Like Canada. You're American. And foreign. And stuff. I mean we're called, "The Mixing Pot," for a reason.
You know what's /really/ far away? Australia. And we have lots of very good universities. And we're famous for our animals and things. Plus, you'll be near me :D

She likes our sales tax. Kangaroos? Meh, we have stuff here that costs somewhere around the price it says it does.

ALL our stuff costs the price it says it does here.
Seriously? Oh, I must move there too.
*nods* Yes, you should! Though, it's not because we don't have sales tax, it's just included in the price...
XDD -Likes how you guys are arguing over this-

If Aussieland wasn't so dang warm... But those cute little Echidnas, they call for me... And it'd be so cool to go there.. And I hear down south isn't SO bad and I can laugh at everyone whose wearing sweaters in 20 C...

I agree with Emily. Let's all go to Aussieland for schooling and live in her house.
Most houses have a/c as well. Mine does, at least. And yes, echidnas and kangaroos and wallabies and things. *nods* Doesn't that sound fun?

/Everyone/ can come :D

We're living in your house. I'll live in the basement where it's nice and cool. And I'll run around in shorts 24/7. Even if my legs are gross and look far better in jeans.

I wanna hug them all. Even the poisonous snakes.


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