Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I can't believe we don't have this thread, I went through all the threads looking for it.  Brought back such memories, too.  :D  Tell me if I, however, missed it.


So, pretty self explainatory.  What are you currently reading?  'Tis appreciated if you'd also say whether or not you'd recommend/not recommend the book, too, so everyone can expand their reading list.  :D 


I'm curretly reading:

 - Symphony of Ages Seires -- Elizabeth Haydon.  They're great.  I'm adoring them.

 - The Messenger -- Markus Zusak.  'Tis lovely.  Very down-to-Earth, great writing style, fast moving without too much action. 

 - The Gates -- John Connolly.  Only a few pages into it.  'Tis beyond amazing, though.  I love this author.


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AKA the second shittest Clinical Biochemistry book for our course. (Bishop is worse. I have no idea how anything can be worse).

AKA a very expensive paperweight.

-- The release of GH is thought to be controlled by the hypothalamic GH-RF and SRIF. The former stimulates GH, and the latter inhibits. SRIF is also found in the delta cells of the pancreatic islets..... kill meeee.
I believe that is also classified as a weapon o.o
Yes. A weapon of brain mass destruction.
I was implying "damn, that would be a good blunt weapon", but hell, that too.
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes - Neil Gaiman
Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez.

I love the series so much. <3 <3 <3
Just bought a kindle.

Is it suckass that you bought it or does the kindle suck ass?

Also what file formats does it read? Pdf, epub, lit?
Spike Milligan's WWII memoirs...<3
A Monster's Notes, aka published Frankenstein fanfic from the monster's point of view.

I have been confirmed in my suspicion that Frankenstein was secretly about the gay, just given how goddamn homoerotic this book is >:L
M by Peter Robb.

I feckin' love me some Michelangelo Merisi. GO LIBRARY


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