Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I feel like everyone here (myself included) is really negative the vast majority of the time. Look at the "What are you doing right now?" thread and you'll see it too.

No negativity here. From anyone. Post anything that happened today, anything in your life in general, a link, a game, whatever... something that makes you happy. No being sad or angry. Go do that in some other thread, you can only be happy here.

*skips around with everyone*

Hey, look, a rainbow!

Edit - Oh, and, double/multiple/spam-y posts highly encouraged. I mean, this is gonna die anyways, but if you have something new to say, by all means, spam as much as you like.

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I know!
So I have a boyfriend.

Somewhat officially... I mean, once I read The Books. The ones about how I'm going to go to hell if I spend time alone with a boy and possibly *gasp* kiss or maybe do unspeakable things. Lols to the fact that my mother probably still thinks I don't know where babies come from. But in conclusion, I have a boyfriend. Sort of.
Mhm. I'm so horribly predictable though, all happy and cliched these days. Not that anyone will miss my cynical ass-hole of an old self.
Oh, I shall. :D

Secret happiness for now though. I don't know why this would happen, but don't, like, post it on facebook or anything.
I've never been really big on "oh hey, we've been together for a month, a week, three days and four hours!" and those sort of anniversaries-that-aren't-actually-a-year-long.

But six months is quite the happy occasion afterall. :D
Congrats. :D
:D Yay!

Congrats, love.
Whoa.... So apparently I'm pretty.

Like, I'm fucking gorgeous. Apparently I'm just tired of looking at my own face. Dude, people are so lucky that they get to look at me all day. Ok, I'll tell my ego to be quiet now. But that was a fabulous realization to make.
I love you too.

And I'm pretty. ^.^

Glad you realized it. :)


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