Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

[Edited Because I Fracking Can]

Welcome to the Secret Confessions thread. Beyond the pure anonymity of the internet, there lies a certain level of understanding behind all the accounts here on FF. The SC account carries burden of allowing the user to give a candid, private confession with (hopefully) understanding feedback. The SC thread is for other posters to give kind and/or helpful advice, words of empathy, or a secret of their own (under the SC name or not).

This account is a group account, and EVERYONE needs to treat it respectfully. By posting under the Secret Confessor, you are pledging to refrain from hate mail, "finger-pointing", insulting and being a jerkface. By posting in the SC thread, you are pledging to keep the comments respectful. This has not yet been a problem, but it's nice to have written down "just in case".

If you would like to use the SC account for ANY reason beside posting in this thread, please PM me- even if it's under the SC name (this is not to exert authority, but to maintain order over a very accessible account).

Thank you!

Password: secret

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Embrace it!

Also: You don't need to wedge the throng bit all the way in, and once you convince yourself that it's supposed to feel like that, the feeling goes away. xD
>.> It most definitely does not go away. I went a full week trying to get used to having underwear shoved up my butt, and it was still uncomfortable.

But hey, SC may have different results. :D *downer*
It definitely does go away. XD

They're super comfy.

Hey, wait. You play volleyball, don't you? What do you wear under your spandex...
Granny panties, thank you very much.
But then you'll have little lines, right?
Conservative Christian league. We wear basketball shorts over our spandex.

We wore something like basketball shorts, but shorter. Kinda like track shorts.

Until... I think seventh grade, when we started wearing spandex.
Also: If your friends decide to go shoe-shopping right after a game, and you try on heels with your spandex, you will look like a total whore.
Thought you should know. XD
Lucky, man. I just... I have skinny legs. Spandex is flattering on me. I'm not a total whore, but I just want to wear the damn spandex because I CAN.
XDD I have skinny legs, too.

Except not in a good way. My legs are freakishly long compared to the rest of my body, and my thighs are normal-sized, whereas my calves are sticks. My friends called me 'chicken legs' all throughout middle school.
I have perfect legs. I'm one of the few non-skinny people who can wear skin-tight skinny jeans.

... Just sayin'...
*...steals legs*
I haven't been using the SC account, but. . . . I think this could fit here. First good mood in over a month. BECAUSE OF THE SNOW Life is good again.


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