Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

[Edited Because I Fracking Can]

Welcome to the Secret Confessions thread. Beyond the pure anonymity of the internet, there lies a certain level of understanding behind all the accounts here on FF. The SC account carries burden of allowing the user to give a candid, private confession with (hopefully) understanding feedback. The SC thread is for other posters to give kind and/or helpful advice, words of empathy, or a secret of their own (under the SC name or not).

This account is a group account, and EVERYONE needs to treat it respectfully. By posting under the Secret Confessor, you are pledging to refrain from hate mail, "finger-pointing", insulting and being a jerkface. By posting in the SC thread, you are pledging to keep the comments respectful. This has not yet been a problem, but it's nice to have written down "just in case".

If you would like to use the SC account for ANY reason beside posting in this thread, please PM me- even if it's under the SC name (this is not to exert authority, but to maintain order over a very accessible account).

Thank you!

Password: secret

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Uh, hi. *is 'that one'*

I wasn't trying to be rude to you at first. I mean, I was quite rude after you insulted me, yeah, but... originally that was not my intention. I'm sorry if it came across that way, though.

And you're not a horrible person, you're just a little misguided right now, and going after the wrong things and going about it the wrong way. That's all.
Oh goodness gracious this shenanigans.

If this is going to take up several pages can we create a thread for it?

/rude interrupting.
Paige, I'm just PMing her now, so... if there is a discussion, I've no reason to be involved here beyond this.

Plus I'm pretty sure some girl hating me for being Lamp's friend doesn't deserve its own thread.
I guess I'll stop too.

So I made the quite stupid mistake of telling my mother everything. Everything, that is, except for the Internet thing, and the things I do when I'm not being supervised by her. But other than that, everything.

Very. Big. Mistake. I'll be going to see a psychiatrist next week. Does anyone know what they're going to do to me there?
Depends on the circumstances, as well as the psychologist.

I see a psychiatrist (psychologist?), mainly due to my near suicidal depression, self hatred, self esteem issues, the fact that I'm so stressed I go twang when you rub a guitar pick on me, and other such things. Mostly, what we do is just talk.

Oh, and I was emotionally dead, too. Spoke in a monotone and acted like a male Yuki Nagato/Rei Ayanami/ emotionless-girl-who-is-not-anime-person. Thanks to the psychiatry, I now smile, laugh, and don't want to kill myself as much.

Well, that and the meds, but I digress.

So yeah. It might even help you.
I decided to tell my mother stupidly that I cut myself last summer.

That's what happens when I open my mouth late at night.... Thank God I didn't tell her about the eating disorder(s)...

I actually think a sane person who can understand my fucked up brain might be nice to talk to, but the only therapist my mother will ever let me see is a Christian one. Because I brilliantly told her that God is an asshole last night, and now she thinks I'm having a "crisis of faith."

I think I am(or was at one point) depressed, but I smile and laugh sometimes (ok, granted I rarely smile, but I laugh /all/ the time. I mean, what kind of weirdo just walks around smiling all the time?) so I don't really think this is needed...
Holy hell. O.O

First off, cutting oneself is-while not exactly the healthiest choice-not so much a crisis when it happened more than a year ago. I'd have no problem with it if my kid did it more than a year ago. In fact, I'd congradulate them for stopping (If they did stop...)'re mom irks me. My 'rents, despite all their flaws, took it perfectly well when I told them that I didn't believe in He Who Must Not Have His Name Taken In Vain, and even considered him a, and I quote myself, "Fucking prick." Sure, they weren't happy, but they let me choose my own believes and convert to C'thuluism (Whose God is also a fucking prick) and left it at that. Crisis of faith my ass-you're just being a teenager.
Mhm. Considering the fact that the risk of danger was low (instead of using a razor, I just kinda sawed away until I had caused enough pain, and most of the time barely even broke the skin) I was happier and less "kill me nao kthx" at that time. And that was what allowed me to stop. And it was this last summer, which was a few months ago.

My mom simply refuses to believe that it's anything she could have changed. So blaming it on the devil is an obvious choice.

I walk around smiling all the time.
O.o Well... Wait, /all/ the time?
Well not literally all the time.

But well more than the average person.


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