Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I feel like everyone here (myself included) is really negative the vast majority of the time. Look at the "What are you doing right now?" thread and you'll see it too.

No negativity here. From anyone. Post anything that happened today, anything in your life in general, a link, a game, whatever... something that makes you happy. No being sad or angry. Go do that in some other thread, you can only be happy here.

*skips around with everyone*

Hey, look, a rainbow!

Edit - Oh, and, double/multiple/spam-y posts highly encouraged. I mean, this is gonna die anyways, but if you have something new to say, by all means, spam as much as you like.

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Oh, boo.

It made me smile when I thought of it, and I thought we best bring it back on topic. XDD


Sure you're not.  *nods*   



I'm not! Especially when it involves you hiding something from me. I'm fairly good at remembering to bother you about that.

Not if Miles is online and being presumably incredibly sweet, you're not.

*gets away with loads more, then*  XD

Miles is being incredibly sweet right now, and I'm still able to remember to bother you about this, and I'm doing the almost-1000pt break project that was supposed to be due today.


See, I can multi-task now. My New Year's Resolution was "Sometimes maybe think about considering doing homework, or at least think about trying to do homework."


I always make those at the beginning of the school year, season, or whatever.  New Years just doesn't work for me.  And mine has to do with school, internetting, getting something of my brain back together, concentration, and getting in bloody amazing shape.


Once it's been dropped, it's dead, though, hon.

And good luck with all of that. XD

I still expect you to tell me what's wrong. Just, thought you should know.

*too lazy to page back*


Good luck with that, hon.

Today it was my "I love people day"


I'm extremely happy today. To the point where my English teacher stopped talking to me because she gave up arguing with me over pointless stuff. Which I found hilarious. Then I got out of school 2 hours early. Plus, my best friend doesn't hate me.


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