Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

We need a place to talk and brag about HeartGold and SoulSilver, which technically isn't allowed in Pokemon Fan Club. Yeah, we could do that on "What are you doing right now?", but here it'd be on topic.

I searched and didn't find one. Feel free to yell at me if this isn't okay.


2/19/11 EDIT: I changed the title to allow for Black/White stuff. OCDness I guess.

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I do that so often it's ridiculous.
What teams are you guys sporting?
Typhlosion = awesome.  I freaking love fire types.  Generation IV makes me sad because they messed Flareon (secretly my favorite) up.  They gave him a huge base attack stat and no fire type physical moves, or fire type physical TMs.
Didn't really get into the series until Ruby/Sapphire, so initially my favorite type was grass, because it was my starter. If I had started in a game with generation 1 starters fire probably would've been my favorite from the beginning.  My favorite Pokemon for a solid year was Charmeleon (fire-red) and I never let it evolve into Charizard because I liked it so much better.
Why does everyone want gold/silver?  My friend/next door neighbor bought Gold off of my brother for like $30.  That was like, when we were ten and 30 bucks was rich.

My current team: Garchomp Lv89, Neophyte Lv99 (I can't bring myself to raise him to 100 even though he only needs a couple hundred more points. He's my baby.), Swablu Lv1 (IVd and egg move-bred. I want to EV.)


Edit: In-game team for HeartGold is Garchomp, Neophyte (Arcanine), Luxray Lv86, HM slave Gyarados, HM slave Flaaffy which is usually replaced by a flying-type for Fly, and spot 6 changes around.

(But...but then he'll be level 100 and all grown up instead of the little Growlithe that used to walk behind me.)
I have Luxray for that. Luxray was their mentor and protector until they were big enough to fight back.

*Is so envious*  I've never had the patience to raise a pokemon higher than like 85.  And I hate EVing, especially when my general method for leveling up my pokemon is the elite four.  I only EV'd them with that one water-type that increases your speed, and tried to max out attack or sp. attack (depending on their move set) with proteins and stuff.

EDIT:  Oh XD I was really confused when you said Neophyte.  And yeah, Growlithe/Arcanine my one regret for having an all eeveelution team.

It took focus, yeah. I usually drop off in the 90s. Too much effort. EVing oh my god. Garchomp was such a pain. It took me months because school was in the way and it was so /tedious/ fighting only a select Pokemon and /trying/ to get fewer experience points. I max out Attack and Sp. Attack.


ARCANINE IS SO AWESOME. My favorite, ever.

As awesome as Arcanine is (and as freaking adorable as Growlithe is) I have to say my favorite pokemon of all time would have to be Lucario.  I got so attached to that thing in Pearl, and it was destroying level seventies when it was level fifty. That and Luxray were the only reasons I beat the elite four.
Ooh, Lucario. I've been thinking of having him in the team but I have yet to train my Riolu. Mostly because of all the EVing and IV-breeding. I didn't play for months between summer and Winter break.


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