Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Mainly because I'm never on >.>

So mainly I'm taking the opportunity of having a very, very small audience and asking everyone:

Would you like to be a moderator here?

:3 Comment if you would, and state why you think you're qualified.

edit: Issue resolved. All members have mod powers <3 Thread closed.

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*thinks you should come on more*

Once it's more active, of course. I'd say it's rather dead...
Yeah *cough* I'm always hoping for new members... I'm just always busy. Or forgetful.
I agree with Megan that you should be on more *intimidates*
But yeah, if it actually becomes active *crossed fingers* I'd love to be one. You probably know my qualifications, but pretty much I'm chill unless someone does something really awful. I'm online a lot, I surf the forums of everything often. I could pull it off...
Perhaps during the vacations... I'm just not on enough during the day.

Edit: Now that I think about it... what's involved?
Not much, to be honest >.> This has been a really low-stress site to mod, since the TOS are basically "don't do anything that will get the FBI knockin' on your door".
If I were to mod, what would you have me do?
Pretty much fuckall.
I was with you until that last word, that one went completely over my head.
*feels like a n00b*
*sweatdrop* Nothing. Nada. Being a mod here is like shooting fish in a barrel -- mostly I don't bother because it's fine on its own.
Ah, ok then. Just sit and wait for a spammer to appear or something. I can do that, and clear out old threads.

The only bad thing on my resume is that I've never modded a ning site before. Is it fairly similar to admining a group?

If it's not that different, I'd be happy to help.
It's not very different at all.
Okay then.If you need another mod, sign me up. (See the private message I sent you for further reference).


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