Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*is crying* I'm so afraid right now, I'm afraid for my MX account, and I'm realizing all at once that nothings going to be the same again.
*hugs everyone*

Dee just walked by and asked if something was wrong. I was tempted to tell her. This is not a good sign.
@Lamp: No. The mods did >:|

*hugs everyone*
No, Lamp, you didn't screw it up, in a sense I helped Fake Fang hatch the idea, it's just as much my fault as anyone else's, but I have such an overwhelming sadness knowing that even if my account makes it through the night, there wont be any reason to go back, except for my secret thrilling MX power trip. What'll be my excuse when my mother asks me why I'm so horrible to people there. "Protecting my friends" doesn't exist anymore.
Oh,a nd I agree with Nathan, it's the mods fault more than anything.
@Kayte: I think "natural reaction to cyberbullying" would work.

Seriously. I'm beginning to believe that's what's going on here. With a very few exceptions, every single antifan involved is still legally underage. The mods are all of age, and behaving abusively towards us. They've crossed the line from being reasonable and stepped into the area where I... would not be surprised if someone called shit on them.
I agree Nathan, I've never been so afraid of anyone in my life. They say awful things, and mess with your head, they're emotionally ruining children.
@Kayte: They're especially being unhelpful in my case. I don't have a really great grasp on where paranoia and reason differ from each other, and they're not helping.

There are, well, children involved in this. Breaking the rules and/or pissing the mods off is not a reason to permanently fuck someone's perception of the world up -- and just between you and me, having done that to someone would keep me from sleeping soundly for a while.

I wonder how well the mods sleep at night.
I'm.... I don't even know.

I mean, if this really does get out to the whole legal shit, my home life CAN get worse. And then not only will I be an official failure at life, but I'll be in legal trouble. Mods, you've freaked me the hell out. You've had your fun.
@Lamp: They're causing emotional and psychological harm to minors. As adults in a position of power, that's pretty deep shit.
@Nathan: Soundly because they think they're doing the right thing, but honestly, I'm thinking about leaving MX dormant for a while, what do I get there? It used to be friendship, but now that's dead, so I get shit, I get abuse, I get rudeness, I get threats. They think you guys threatened them what about Katy's "you'd better lie low" comment, I could take that as a threat. They've struck more fear in me than any number of other things in my life.
Cyber bullying doesn't even cover it.
@Kayte: It's pretty fucking bitter-making, as a whole.

OK, I can understand getting your kicks by fucking with other people, but... minors, seriously? That is fucking lower than low. Do the mods have absolutely no shame?

Go humans go :\
I know! I mean I love tormenting people as much as anyone, but psychologically ruining children, can you get lower?
Honestly, they want to take leagl action against us, I could take legal action against them. Have they heard of Mental Anguish, because you can press charges for that.


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