Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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ModKaty, who just PMed me, says they're looking into IP banning you guys from the whole of NING.
And she seems serious about the legal thing guys...
Hmm, I`m glad I`m moving into the house across the street, our IP`s will change since it`s going to be under a new name and such. I think my brother wants to scramble it too...
I'm.... getting off. With any luck, I'll see you all in the morning, or maybe afternoon. But at this point, I can't bank on luck. And to think all I ever worried about online was that it distracted me from my hw. >.>

Anyway, I love you all to death, sweet dreams, and I hope you'll all be here tomorrow. Goodnight.
*narrows eyes* I'll be here tomorrow. *hug*
If you're not, I will be. *determined*
Night Megan.
Goodnight hon, love you. Sleep easily.
I went on Internet Explorer, and it seems I can go on...

Not on my account of course.

Alter-ego time!

God I`m totally going to loose some brain cells.
Why don't you delete the cookies on the other browser?

*Has been banned a few times.*
If you go to your options there should be privacy and a button that says show cookies, you can remove them and then get back on the site.

Someone with a PC would be better to explain, unless you have a Mac?
I know, I`ll probably only send it to people who still have an account there, I can tell mods are still watching us like hawks.


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