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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What free time?

*says goodbye to time. . .dedicated to something else*
I saw that. XD I was like, What the hell?

And I love how everyone's using my "Nazis" thing. XD
I didn't think of Nazi's, I think I stole that. xD
It's the one that stuck, though.

It more reminds me of Napoleon's taking over France, though, rather than Nazis.
:\ I still think of it as a Holocaust. They're getting rid of all of the people who have brains.
It reminds me more of Soviet Russia *sigh* :\
Ah, yes.
The parallels are pretty scary.

You're "allowed" to speak fairly freely, but there are unspoken laws about what you can and cannot say. The Cheka/mods can ban you/arrest you because they feel like it (and the mods don't even have an Article 58 to use!). It's all overseen by a mysterious figure no one knows much about.

To make it even more perfect, even the, ahem, proles are becoming aware of the risk of banning :\ Once you start punishing innocents out of fear for your state's integrity, you need to take a close look at your government.
Oh good old soviet Russia. We've had this conversation...
Oh my gosh. *headdesk* Being publishers you'd think they'd be able to use better wording.
XD No kidding.
Fail. I want to work in publishing someday. Remind me to never think about working for Hachette.
I don't think you'll need reminding.


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