Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD I wish you luck. *gives Megan crazed football fan shield* ^^ Use it well.
Don't get mugged.
Pyro - XD *wields shield*

Lamp - Uhm, we'll see.
XD Terribly so.

Yeah. . . can you say lucky?
XD *attempts to pronounce* O.o Such a complex word...-.- it is now my life goal to learn this word. All other things are meaningless.
Just finished moving MORE stuff. That was fun, I smell really nice.

It turns out I didn't fail my vocab test, it was amazingly easy. Same with the Math test I never studied for. Then again graphs are easy.
O.o My sister is downloading Maple Story to play.

We used to play it back when I was in 5/6 grade. -.- I regret it dearly, hours of my life wasted.

I went through a faze of Dufas, simply because it was (up to a point) something free to do with the boyfriend...
Right now, I'm watching Ugly Betty with Mother Dearest, considering when i should go to bed when i have to be up at 7am tomorrow
Watching Glee.
Not really seeing what's so great about it.
Everyone loves that show. What's it about?
*has never heard of it, but now intrigued*


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