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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Meh, it's not good by any means, but I don't at all regret reading it.
Umm, when you read the book it's dull.I suggest you read the summary off Wiki, it's generally more interesting than reading the book itself. Plot doesn't come in till page 200. Fun.
*Takes Xuut's advice* To Wikipedia! *Has done this with many book/movies they're to lazy to read/watch*
I could ah, edit it so won't. >=D
>.> I skimmed through only Twilight and found it to be very...ugh-ish. So I haven't read the whole series, but none the less I hate it. Long strings of adjectives of Edward's "godliness" and shit...

Also hate the psycho Twitards that hurt people mentally/physically over the damn book. >.< Cause it's just fucking idiotic to do that over a damn book!
I'm so happy I'm not with the squeeing fangirls who go to my school, who worship Edward.
O.o That'd be scary. Though...I almost wish there was more Twitards in my area. That way I could anger them, and they'd attempt to hurt me. :D I run fast when threatened. If they stalk me, I'll be flattered but call the cops. >:3 It'd all go according to plan...*insert maniacal laughing here*

Edit: XD This is one of the best rants on Twilight if you're interested. HERE
>.> I should really stop confusing people.
I assure you it's not me.
I was Marvin. . . . And had the pic of a lamppost when I was banned

XD How does it bug you?

Someone has Py's old pic on MX and it irritates me.
Marvin? Like the Paranoid Android?

It's like, I dunno it seems like you but then it's not. I generally recognize people through their pics. I always mistake it for you. (Their neat typing makes me think it's you too :P) Like that one girl on MX who had the same pic as you. That was really confusing.

They do? When I lurk I'm going to mistake it for her.

I was Lamp Post, when we were both on TTS before, deleted the account after getting bored, then rejoined as Marvin, based on H2G2.

There are several people with the same pic as me on MX. The on posted a thread, the other day, I was lurking and saw it. I literally thought 'Oh, I was unbanned?. . . . no, this isn't my post. -depressed-'

Yeah, my first thought was 'Py's back'. . . but it isn't Py.
Found a beautiful music video.

Which I mention because it took me ages to find said video after seeing bits of it at con. I wanna do something MR AMV-related with it ;_;

Aaaand probably off to bed shortly.


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